10 strengths of linux server

10 strengths of linux server

     Linux is the name of a computer operating system and is also the name of the operating system kernel. It is probably one of the most famous examples of free software and open source development.

Open source software is software that is released with source code and use an open source license. This license allows anyone to study, change and improve the software, and the software in the form of distribution has not changed or has changed. Therefore the majority of open source software is provided free of charge, you can pay for some additional services.

Linux is an open operating system, strong in the field of networking. In addition to light flashy Windows. Linux really is a number a operating system for servers.
The following are 10 reasons you should choose linux server.
1. Cheap Price 

The first thing to mention that Linux is definitely the cost of installing a Linux server is lower than Windows Server. Yes Linux is free, one thing that almost everyone knows. So if you choose installed a Linux server you will save costs license compared to installing Windows server, if you do not want to use pirated copyright.

Above all, you will cut down on hardware investment to run Linux compared to Windows.

2. Security High

Linux have been a user hierarchy. Each user may only use a certain number of powers in accordance with their role in the system.

Linux to be known as the operating system no have viruses. This is easy to understand, want to do dangerous or serious damage to the system Linux will need to use  to Root (supremacy in Linux). By default, all the software is not allowed to run as root.

3. No configuration is required

With only a modest memory about 64MB, you can install and use Linux comfortable (of course will be limited to the application can run). This number is too small compared to the Windows operating system you use. This factor reduces the cost of the Linux server.
Note : With a small memory footprint, Linux can run in console mode to memory consumption to the lowest level instead of a graphical interface such as Windows.
4. High Performance

High performance does not mean fast or slow, implying that efficient use of system resources. Using Linux for your servers, will help you save a large amount of system memory. With a range server with 512MB of memory, running Linux you will definitely be able to run multiple tasks and run very much web more than Windows.

5. Apache and PHP

If Windows have IIS and ASP.Net. Linux have Apache and PHP / MySQL. Apache, PHP and MySQL is really a perfect combination. PHP is a lightweight language, and is capable of handling fast. For better access speed. One more thing, very much like source code or WordPress, Joomla, Drupal is written in PHP.  If you no use Linux is a disadvantage.

6. Htaccess

On Windows Server no file called. Htaccess, htaccess has many applications in web development as the address rewrite, redirect users, hidden files, preventing unauthorized access …. SEO will become more difficult without the htaccess rewrite. If you are a believer SEO, You sure can not ignore the compelling features.

Server is Windows Server installation, has a similar feature, but quite difficult to use and less flexible.

7. Linux is widely used

Many Linux users. Linux is increasingly being used in the field of networking. If you need a computer to do your own server would be advised to choose the Linux operating system.

8. Install high-speed

Linux operating system can be installed in seconds, you can even run Linux from a disk without installing (Live CD).

9. Do not fear being outdated

There is an open source communities enormous  are often upgrade modify and continually improve the Linux operating system. As Windows of Microsoft ,very many daily updates is released to updates and more refreshing for Linux.

10. Diversity of operating systems

Talking Linux sounded quite large. Because inside it is a collection OS was developed penchant for a particular field. Some names can not fail to mention: Ubuntu, CentOS, Arch Linux (lightweight), Debian, ….

So the past 10 reasons you probably already know some information about the strengths and linux server does not have to.
I'm sure you'll have yourself a proper choice.
Wish you success.

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