9 tips to start doing affiliate marketing

9 tips to start doing affiliate marketing

     I'll share following the 9 things you need to know when we start taking money with affiliate marketing form
Affiliate Marketing need to have passion and effort to be successful, then you need a dynamic and flexible grasp new things,know way to use these tools to support your work. Below I will list the things you need to know to build  to strategy Affiliate Marketing Success.

1. Keyword Research Tools and select topics for website/blog (Niche)

+Google Adwords Keyword Tool: The first free tool that allows you to research keywords including search volume, competition of the keywords that you are researching. In addition, this tool allows you to find promotional ideas, suggestions … appropriate keywords to select the appropriate name or domain to your SEO strategy.
+Google Trends: Allows your keyword research in the area over time. Through the graphical display of the number of searches in the area at different time intervals, you will capture the trend search of internet users through its you easily choose the product has the potential to 1 marketing or building websites/blogs consistent trend. Furthermore, this tool is free.

2. Domain name

+Domainsbot: This is a free tool domain name suggestions if you want to purchase the domain name was registered with another person.

+GoDaddy: a provider most famous of bloggers. GoDaddy will have a domain name suggestion tool when you want to select the domain name has been registered. Buy domain at Godaddy usually are cheap with promotions with discount codes should cost cheap, the blogger often buy domain name of Godaddy then pointing DNS in Hosting.

+Domainit : can also be a choice when buying domain names are cheap . Domainit Affiliate Program also quite attractive when payment commission if you refer someone to join Domainit Affiliate Program.

3. Website Hosting

  Select a the best web hosting is very important when you decide to create professional blog
I introduce to you two providers hosting reputation and quality that is:

+HostGator: a hosting provider that all bloggers are using praise because hosting quality and support very good. HostGator is also known as an affiliate marketing program prestige.
+iPage:  iPage is known for hosting services and support that is pretty good with the iPage hosting prices are extremely cheap and a lot of promotions, with the price of hosting only $ 1

4. Platform website/blog

  Select platform built website / blog is also important because the selection depends on your own when you have knowledge of HTML or PHP better, and also depends of the cost you would spend. If you want to use a free blog platform, you can use blogger.com or wordpress.com . Google’s Blogger is so that you will be somewhat more favorable. But you also need to be careful because if your blogger or  wordpress.com violates the TOS,you can be deleted anytime!

 I recommend that you use WordPress.org because it is open source code, you will unleash their own creativity, there are hundreds of thousands of plugins, themes support you design the blog / website about all different topics . WordPress is the choice of all professional blogger.

5. Select Affiliate Marketing

Select a product brought to market is the first step after the preparation of the above steps in order to start making affiliate. When writing 1 blog you should consider participation by Adsense Adsense will pay you every time someone clicks on an ad on your blog, which is one source of passive income that you can take advantage of.

6. Articles on Website/blog

Course when it comes to Affiliate Marketing is that you will have to think about creating one blog has content in English by external hosting, domains, wordpress themes, plugins … you can market in your country but is still the main market overseas. Therefore applying English skills are indispensable to write content for your blog.
However, if you are not really good at English, you should not worry too much because the website allows the posts to put the cost is not too high as iwriter or Hirewriters, the price is only about $ 3 for 1 post quality. But in my opinion, you should write articles for website / blog to be able to detect the error and editing of the article.

Note: You should always is learning English and not entirely dependent on external article because you will have done a lot of work with English and need to contact or reply comment on your blog!

Also I want to introduce to you two tools that are also indispensable is : Grammar checker (lets you check spelling and grammar mistakes when writing) and Smallseotool. Smallseotool is a free tool to help you check the unique (quality) of the article, to help you  rewrite article, what to do? So that you can spin article into a different logs and submit it to the page as ezinearticles.com, articlesbase.com … will be of great benefit to you when you put the backlink or put affiliate links. Furthermore Smallseotool helps you ping the links to search engines, generate free backlink …

7. Email Marketing

  You need to learn and use Email Marketing for affiliate marketing  because Email Marketing gives you a lot of traffic. Here I introduce to you the Free  Email Marketing of Mailchimp, This is Email Marketing service is allows you to build an email list for free. However, you will not be able to use the Autoresponse if not pay  fee but with one blog small, use a free probably enough for you. You also can refer to Aweber  because it is 1 Email Marketing Service is quite good and you do not need to pay high fees.

8. Web Analytics

 You will not be able to study a SEO strategies, traffic … if you ignore Web Analytics, that’s why I want to introduce you to Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, Bing – Webmaster Tools, Website Speed ​​Test Pingdom, Ahrefs, Seoptimer … here are the free tools to help you analyze exactly your website  to make adjustments accordingly.


  Fiverr is the last part I want to introduce to you because for $ 5 you can do a lot of things. On Fiverr you can buy high PR Backlinks, buy article , sales page design or buy one of the bonus free ebook when you want to build an email list. And so much more.

  Here's what I've concluded from the famous webmatter hope that this will help for you.
I wish you success.

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