Fix Error Unable To Add Widgets In Blogger

Fix Error Unable To Add Widgets In Blogger today will answer your questions about Fix Error Unable To Add Widgets In Blogger. 
Recently, I faced a problem related to blogger Layout. Recently I changed the URL of one of our blogger blog to another URL, then when I visited my blogger layout and tried to add HTML/Java Script widget to it. This worked for the first time, second time when I tried to add the HTML/Java script then it didn't worked, no error shown and also I tried many other methods to add the codes. The only thing that was visible to me after pressing save button was "javascriptvoid0" at the left corner. I thought this blog will get fixed up after some time, I waited for a long time still the problem remained as it is. I was able to edit default blogger widget, also i was able to add new default blogger widget such as biog archive Google plus one button, Google plus badge etc. but I was unable to add custom HTML/Java script widgets in my blog layout.

I thought its not my fault, there will be may peoples facing the same problem so, I tried to find out those people but, I found very few people are facing the same problem. Then I realised I'm in a big trouble. Here in this article I'm sharing all the that might work for you.

Then I tried to add html/Java script widgets on my other blogs. All my blogs given the same output.

To overcome this problem, please follow the instructions below steps:

1.Changing Blogger Template.

I changed my blog template many times, all the templates returned the same output. Changing the template didn't worked at all

2. Changing Internet Browser.

Google chrome was my default browser when the problem started to appear. Then tried many other browsers such as Firefox and internet explorer. Unfortunately, nothing worked for me.

3. Changing Internet Connection.

I was using broadband connection to connect to the internet. I disconnect and reconnected to the internet many times in hope that the problem will get fixed up. Also I tried to use internet from different internet service providers

4. Try Adding Widgets From Different Computer.

   After one week, I went to my friends house to get a solution to this problem. I logged into my blogger account and tried to add the widget inside my blog layout. This time I was successful in adding widget inside blog layout.

Adding widgets from a different computer worked for me. Then I tried to track back where I went wrong, which thing was blocking me from adding html widget in my blog layout on my own computer. I realised It was a badly configured windows application that was tracking my web browsing. Tool bars can also track your internet browsing, such extensions and add-ons can be the cause of problem and can take you into a serious trouble. Then the problem never appeared on my computer.

I decided to remain at a safe side, After that day I removed all the extensions and add-ons from Google chrome and Firefox and never used them.

Wish You Success.

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