How To Build Backlinks The Good For Seo

How To Build Backlinks The Good For Seo

   In technewonline article has shared with you the importance of build backlinks, today we will continue to share ways backllinks efficient building.
   It is out of question that quality backlinks are crucial to SEO success. More, the question is how to get them. While with on-page content optimization it seems easier because everything is up to you to do and decide, with backlinks it looks like you have to rely on others to work for your success. Well, this is partially true because while backlinks are links that start on another site and point to yours, you can discuss with the Web master of the other site details like the anchor text.

Getting Backlinks the Natural Way.

   The idea behind including backlinks as part of the page rank algorithm is that if a page is good, people will start linking to it. And the more backlinks a page has, the better. But in practice it is not exactly like this. Or at least you cannot always rely on the fact that your contents is good and people will link to you. Yes, if your content is good and relevant you can get a lot of quality backlinks, including from sites with similar topic as yours (and these are the most valuable kind of backlinks, especially if the anchor text contains your keywords) but what you get without efforts could be less than what you need to successfully promote your site. So, you less than what you need to successfully promote your site. So, you will have to resort to other ways of acquiring quality backlinks as described next.

Ways To Build Backlinks The Good For Seo.

1. Create an article like this . Normally , people think this is a very valuable post and for some people it is difficult to resist the others share or copy on their website .
2. Create a guide post 10 synthetic like how to find dofollow blogs . Imagine you are learning SEO , and you know a few others who are required to learn how to find dofollow blogs , then what do you do ?
3. Creating a large database on a particular topic .
4. Creating a synthesis of articles on a specific topic , it is very useful for those who need to find a certain article with minimum time .
5. Trying to write a true “crisis ” , details as possible . You will see a few backlinks from other websites pointing to your post by copying them , of course, indispensable in all deep links.
6. Write the topic you will find many people who understand what you are transmitting and attention . For example, the article ” throwing stones throw weights ” .
7. Fix up spelling, punctuation , line breaks . If you write in English , it is more important , no one wants to quote your link to your post too many spelling mistakes .
8. Sign your article ( 100 % no copies ) on the article page as EzineArticle , GoArticle , iShare , vv.Cach .. this is very effective , article sites that have high rankings and dofollow backlink .
9. Your post on the pages of magazines , news and other topics ( the website only allows collaboration posting ).
10. Post to Press Release sites ( only English article ) . This way you have mentioned and briefly in the guide post Guide automatic backlink building .
11. Exchanging posts with the blogger / webmaster and put backlink to each other . This is akin to a form of blogging guest only.
12. Submit site to DMOZ ,It is the old way but still effective .
13. Submit website to directory sites pay . It is the old way but still have a high effect .
14. If you have multiple sites , create a list on each link pointing to your website and each other.
15. Post to Social Bookmarking sites like Pligg , Digg .. vv.o that there are plenty of other webmasters and bloggers so that they can find your content and if it is useful citations .
16. If you regularly browse Facebook , Tumblr , perhaps also see plenty of shared daily Meme , Meme just to watch what is hot and tends to make your own 1 Meme that trend , then sign up with Tumblr his website links at the source link or description .
17. If you are a business , please post it on the library website dedicated to businesses , commercial organizations.
18. Launch an affiliate program , look at the other marketers are affiliate links shared each day is known.
19 . Answer questions on Yahoo Answers , Google Groups , Google Answers and links pointing to remember your post relevant to the question .
20. Look up Wikipedia articles with content relevant to your website and to amend , add detailed information together with links to their websites . If not, please write .
21. Join the community Squisdoo and writing on it , and in each article you can add your backlink to the content . If your post is a few useful backlink will not make anyone uncomfortable where.
22. Most forums allow you to insert the link into the signature , make the insert website link to your post on it and about 5 new post with the reply ^ ^ 10 .
23. Creating more sub- blog links pointing to each other and themselves . < Easy Google was hacked.
24. When blogging , linking to mind the writings of other bloggers , blogger if you are close to it as possible . As usual all are professional bloggers who put backlink tracking them and they will visit your website . Also remind them to put the link for you if you find the article useful .
25. Comment on other blogs . The links in the comment section is probably not very effective with SEO , but if your comments are valuable , you will get a lot of hits , many of which will have to know your blog and will help you have more opportunities to promote wider blog.
26 . Buy backlinks in Botw.
27 . Try your blog design is beautiful , there are many people pay attention and bring your interface to the discussion forum . Like some people have done with one of his blog .
28. Funding for the competition on other websites with small -scale , 100 % that they will put links to your website in the article about the contest.
29. Create a gift program or a competition , people pay attention , you’re not there to share your links on other websites.
30. Self created a collection of useful tools online , and people find useful or they will share it.
31. If you have the ability to design , then set the interface design for the popular website platforms such as WordPress , Joomla and do not forget to put ” Design by XXX ” at the bottom footer . Then share for free.
32. Post the picture is unique and consistent with the current trend is hot . Then write about 300 words to describe the picture and put your website link at the end of the picture .
33. Interview someone influential relatively well in your subject , and attention will be linking to your post , especially the blog.

Backlink Building Practices to Avoid.
How To Build Backlinks The Good For Seo 1
   One of the practices that is to be avoided is link exchange. There are many programs, which offer to barter links. The principle is simple – you put a link to a site, they put a backlink to your site. There are a couple of important things to consider with link exchange programs. First, take care about the ratio between outbound and inbound links. If your outbound links are times your inbound, this is bad. Second (and more important) is the risk that your link exchange partners are link farms. If this is the case, you could even be banned from search engines, so it is too risky to indulge in link exchange programs.

   Linking to suspicious places is something else that you must avoid. While it is true that search engines do not punish you if you have backlinks from such places because it is supposed that you have no control over what bad guys link to, if you enter a link exchange program with the so called bad neighbors and you link to them, this can be disastrous to your SEO efforts. For more details about bad neighbors, check the Bad Neighborhood article. Also, beware of getting tons of links in a short period of time because this still looks artificial and suspicious.

Wish You Success.

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