The Deciding Factor Value Backlinks

The Deciding Factor Value Backlinks

   When talking about to Off-page SEO, building backlinks is the most important put the site up in google top. It has a big impact on the rankings on google and direct effect to increase the traffic of a website directly thus affecting the ability to make a profit from your blog. Building better links will help your site a high position in the search results of Google or other search engines similar.

   To increase the credibility of a web page, requires us to build quality links, links to sites with great prestige. Surely there is a difference between getting a link from the site and get a link from a college friend's blog with 10 followers.
In this article, we present the standard measure in the evaluation of a potential link.

1. Starting with page rank ( Pagerank ).

  PageRank is Google 's measure of the prestige and importance of a web page. The range is from 1 to rank 10, but that's not a straight line. Promotion from 1 to 2 is much easier than from 6 to 7. Google's page ranking for sites measured on Google, it is updated very frequently, usually 1 year 4 times google update.

  This creates a conundrum for link building. Page rank decide the frequency of seeing the sites . This is especially true for sites ' rankings change quickly. " They can be considered as brand new a few months ago , but they are well known and are known to have a sustainable affiliate network .

   The decision popularity or reputation of the site is an art rather than a science. There are a number of data sources that we can exploit to evaluate the importance of a link from a web page . For example , people tend to use Alexa to gauge traffic .

  In recent years, social media has become an important source of data. How many people surf everyday? How much discussion addressing the issues surrounding them ? Is that who regularly use social media ?

  There are tools of a third party provided inaccurate assessments page rank, but as fortune teller that an elephant. The key point here, it is more art than science, so it takes a variety of sources to assess the credibility rough approximation of a web page.

2. Outbound Links.

  Once you determine the credibility of a web page, you will look at the number of outbound links that site. The number of links a site is divided into outbound links. So if there are 3 links on the site, each link will receive 1/3 of that site benefits this.
This becomes a big problem with these lists and directories. A site with hundreds of outbound links probably will not be appreciated , even problems competence domain owner .


I'm not sure the identification number with an exact number, but I guarantee that links from unrelated sites will not far exceed the credibility of that site. The links in your site should have a certain relation to the content of the linked pages, and it will optimize the entire contents of the domain .

The Prestige Domain Name.

One is to assert that this is difficult to quantify. A domain can include links, but that does not make the domain name becomes more prestige. If you are Google , you can evaluate a link from a website specializing spam and launch all the tabloids than a link from an Ivy League university? even if tabloid website has many more inbound links ?
I always avoid looking for a link from a web page tabloid like that.

Updated information.

  This is especially apparent with the Blog. I have received proposals Blog post on sites with high page rank , but in the end I refused because that information is not updated regularly . Page rank is only the moment, it is always changing and that does not mean it's good or bad . Assuming the site is the lack of content updates its page rank will stagnate or decline despite so busy you must regularly update  at least 1 week post 7 posts

Guest Blogging.

  The actual process of building links is to increase the value of your posts . However, one of the most effective methods that you can use the Guest Blogging. Guest Blogging for sites a reason to link to you, because it will exchange the valuable content you provide.
What do I really like Guest blogging is that we can be exposed to a large audience has knowledge of the same subject, and give them a reason to learn more about you. To capture this opportunity, you need to have these articles interesting and effective. Even if you do not write articles yourself, you can hire other writers to write content for yourself.


  Link Building should begin by identifying where the site is prestigious and relevant content to your website or not. A reliable website will maximize the effectiveness of your link. You should also consider the number of links on the site, as well as the links are divided on which competent as any.

This is the experience that I have accumulated from the study of the seniors, comments and any information you may comment or leave links below.
I wish you success .

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