The Limitations Of Blogger Account

The Limitations Of  Blogger Account

   Blogger is free blogging service owned by Google.Blogger is one of the favorite blogging platform of all time. There are millions of active users that prefer to use blogger instead of word press. perhaps there are some limitations on this free blogging platform. You must consider these limitations seriously before starting your blogging career. Here I'm posting some limitations of using blogger account (blogger blog). Here is some information about the limits a Blogger account.

1.Blog Title limits.

You can use only 90 characters for your main blog title.

2. Number of Blogs.

   You can create 100 different blogs per account. However, in case the limit gets exceeded then Google authorities have the right to not only disable your account but also restrict your access to your blogs. Therefore, always keep in mind that your blog lists does not exceed the 100 mark. 

3.Bandwidth Limit of Blogger Blog.

There is no bandwidth limit for a blogger blog.

4. Number of Posts.

   Fortunately, there are no such limits for the number of posts. You can create unlimited posts with unlimited content. All the posts would be saved into your account, and they will be there until or unless you deleted them manually. In case you unwantedly delete the posts, then they can be recovered through Google History Cache.

5.Blog Authors.

You can't add more than 100 blog authors.

6. Number of Labels.

   You can create 5000 labels per blog. You can add 20 unique labels on a single blog post.

7. Size of Pictures.

   There is no size limit of a single picture. However, if you are uploading a picture through your mobile or smartphones then it should not bigger than 250K per picture. Remember: 1 Blog has 1 Gigabyte of Free image hosting. 

8. Length or Size of Posts.

There are no limitation on length of a post, but make sure that you are not exceeding size limit of 1 Mb.

9. Storage Limit of Picture.

Unfortunately you can upload only 1 GB images on your blog. Your blog and your picasa accounts are linked to each other.

10.Size of Pages.

The main page of your site, the archive pages and the post pages are limited to 1 MB in size.If you exceed this limit then it shows up an error  "006 please contact Blogger Support”. You may need to decreasing the size of pages to remove this error.

11.Number of Comments.

There is no limit on number of comments.

12.Comment length.

 4,096 characters per comment.If you exceed this limit then comment will not get published.

13.Bandwidth Limit For image Hosting.

Your Images are hosted on pi casa so, there is not bandwidth limit for images.

14.Account Suspension.

Bloggers has strict rules. They can suspend your account if you violet their terms and conditions. If you do so then they can delete your entire Blogger account. After deleting your blog, your free blog spot domain is kept on hold and no one can use the same domain again. So make sure that you are not violating any of the terms and conditions.

15.Your Blog Is Not Yours.

   Its true that you are not the real owner of your blog, because your blog is owned by Google, they have the rights do delete your blog without your permission. If you violet their privacy policies, then your blog will be no more. Make sure to backup your content.

These limitations can't affect your blogging career. There is no way to exceed these limits. We hope that some of these limits will be removed in upcoming days.

Incase Google delete your site due to some policy violation then you can move your site to WordPress. However, if you do not have a .com Domain then you would be left empty handed. Now the decision is yours either take it or leave it. 

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