Tool To Make The Web Faster Of Google

 Tool To Make The Web Faster Of Google

   In website design, site load speed is a problem that a lot of people interested, because it will affect customer traffiles of businesses.

   We’re introducing a module for the Apache HTTP Server called mod_pagespeed to perform many speed optimizations automatically. We’re starting with more than 15 on-the-fly optimizations that address various aspects of web performance, including optimizing caching, minimizing client-server round trips and minimizing payload size. We’ve seen mod_pagespeed reduce page load times by up to 50% (an average across a rough sample of sites we tried) — in other words, essentially speeding up websites by about 2x, and sometimes even faster.

For example, it would be more efficient image compression and change the settings to add the page is stored in the browser cache, so not much time to load the same data. This software will be automatically updated – Richard Rabbat, the project manager said. He said that this means, including Google and those who want to improve the site over the installation it will benefit without having to make any changes….

We think that makes the whole web faster is critical to the success of Google, “Rabbat said. Making the web faster encourage people to use it more and increase their ability to use a variety of services and Google software. Rabbat points of frustration that people get when they click on a link or typing a URL and sat at a white page in seconds. “In many cases,” he said, “I’ll go to the other page when that happens”.

   Google has provided a tool called Page Speed to measure the download speed from that site and ideas for improvement. “We asked ourselves, instead of telling people to point out the problem, we can make them automatically is not it?” Rabbat said.

   This software can be particularly useful for those small sites. Such people may not have the skills and time to optimize the performance of their web pages. It will also be useful for companies to use content management system web activity and a lack of technical ability necessary to improve the speed of their web server software.

Tool To Make The Web Faster
   Google  have tested  mod_pagespeedon on the a representative sample of web pages and show that it performs load some web pages three times faster, depending on how optimized implementation like.

   Google’s efforts to speed up Web browsing on many of its products. For example, they designed Chrome web browser is faster than other browsers, and companies with high-speed connectivity with broadband is the choice of the town in the U.S.. Earlier this year, Google announced that it would consider the speed of all the sites we ranked in search results, which could have a significant impact to the visitors.

   Speeding up web to help Google have more profit is very clear. “If the site is faster, Google makes more money,” said Ed Robinson, CEO of Aptimize, “has begun to provide automated software to optimize websites like Google is a new offering “. Robinson explained that a website is much faster than users see, and the more ads Google can make search on the site or through its advertising network. Thus the spread of the company is very large, even small improvements can add up to big revenue for the web giant. He added, “Making the web faster way to hook people back to the site.”

Wish You Success!

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