Ways To Add Google +1 Button For Websites

Ways To Add Google +1 Button For Websites
    Google introduced the +1 button not long ago. While performing a search at Google, this +1 button allows you to vote up/down the search results. We covered this piece news before and in it, we also mentioned that Google will introduce the +1 button to all website in the future. Well, that future is today. From today onward, you can place the +1 button on your website and allow your readers to vote up the story.

  Add Google +1 button for websites. Google +1 Button is increasingly important in SEO, contributed somewhat to help Google appreciate your website.
Google +1 is a new feature included in Google search results on Google Search helps users to share search results page on Google plus that his actions by clicking the +1 button on results search. This is a very interesting feature of Google directs users. This feature helps users to evaluate search results on Google.

   Google +1 also play an important role in the strategy against the website fool the search engines (the “content farms” for example), which Google uses to determine website SEO tricks to attract advertising profits but bland content. Google will allow users 1 for information AdWords and AdSense ads.

Implement +1 button to your website.

The implementation button is simple. You just need to insert two line of codes to your HTML or theme file.

1. Insert the following javascript code to your <head> tag
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script>

2. Insert the following tag to the place where you want the button to appear.
That ‘s it.

Add Google +1 For WordPress

Ways To Add Google +1 Button For Websites 1
As of this post, there are no plugins for adding the +1 button yet (but I am sure it will be available very soon). To add the +1 button, in your themes folder, open the header.php file. Insert the javascript code to the <head> tag
Open your single.php or index.php, and place the <g:plusone></g:plusone> to the place where you want it to appear.


There are several parameters that you can use.
Size of the button: The default is “standard“, which is 24px tall. You can choose “small” (15px), “medium” (20px) or “tall” (60px).
Include count: The default is set to “true”. You can turn it off if you don’t want the +1′d count to appear.

URL (href): By default, the button will grab the URL of the existing page, but you can specify your own URL with the parameter href="your-url-here".

Points To Note When Adding The +1 Button.

 1. +1 is a public action, so you should add the button only to public, crawlable pages on your site. If you have a password protected page, or a members only forum, do not use this button. Once you add the button, Google may crawl or recrawl the page, and store the page title and other content, in response to a +1 button impression or click.

2. You can include multiple +1 button on a page, but it is best to add the URL parameter to the code so it can identify the correct link for each button.

3. The +1 button is available in 40 languages. The default is English. If your site is not in English, do go to the Google +1 site to grab the code in your specified language.
For more info, check out the Google +1 button site and the FAQ site.

Wish You Success.

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