List Top Site High Page Rank RSS Feeds Directories For SEO

List Top Site High Page Rank RSS Feeds Directories For SEO

   As you may know is currently rss feeds thrive especially in the field of website seo, A hot topic for any website owner is that of SEO (search engine optimization) which is all about the ability of a site to rank highly for particular search terms in search engine results. If you don’t rank well in search, you may well be limiting your traffic considerably. Many efforts are made therefore to improve sites traffic by improving search visibility. One of the ways this is achieved is to increase the amount of content at the site so that the number of keywords found by search engines is maximized. In addition, search engines generally display the most recent content that meets their criteria wherever possible.

   RSS feed contents in themselves will not enable much better ranking as their content is not unique; however, the increase in traffic that is generated as a result of your site being the place to go for information will help considerably. The more time a user spends at your site, the higher it will rank too. Google keeps a track of all these metrics and uses them to keep track of your site and how much it appeals to the people who go there.

   Since Google changed its search engine completely in September 2013 (The "Hummingbird" update), there has been a big shift in many websites in terms of ranking in their search results. More attention has been paid to duplicated and low value content. However, the content of an RSS feed  is not accessed by a search engine crawler - all they will see is the XML code that created the RSS feed, and the HTML of our widget code (our FeedWind code) - the content will be detected as being syndicated which is not a bad thing as long as that is not the only content on the page. Notably links in RSS feeds have 'nofollow' instructions attached as default.

Does Adding RSS To My Site Improve Search Ranking?

  Adding RSS feeds can help a site ranking, but in a less direct way than the unique content available on your pages. Obviously if you are directing multiple feeds to your page, it is not practical or useful to take all the links and rewrite the content on your own pages.
If you add RSS feeds that have been aggregated or customized, they will contain a flow of keywords that you will not necessarily rank for, but if related semantically (by meaning) to other words and phrases on your site, they will be seen as relevant. Additionally, the freshness of information is also a measure of how well your pages will rank. Having an RSS feed on the page means you are getting information from somewhere and that information will usually be a blog, news, search results or product review or something that is updated regularly rather than static content.

  Google do not discuss exactly how they treat RSS feeds coming into your site but Matt Cutts (the Google Search Chief Engineer) did explain that RSS feeds need to contain recent 
information.  There is an interesting blog article on the subject of how does Google index RSS / Atom feeds at the the Google Webmasters Blog.

  What is important to note is tha the SEO value is directed to the source of the RSS feed - in other words, if you publish RSS on your site, the site that delivers the RSS feed to your widget etc gets the SEO value and faster indexing than otherwise they might. This does also mean that publishing a widget containing an RSS feed from your blog onto your homepage is a good way to get fast and thorough indexing of pages by Google. 

Check Your RSS Feed Contains Recent Information.

This is something easy to check by simply putting the feed URL into the FeedWind setup screen and looking at the preview. By default, the feed will show news items and their date of publication. If you see that your feed contains too many old items, try a different feed or find alternatives where possible. If the old entries in an RSS feed you are using are all related to a particular topic you can do without, you can use Yahoo Pipes or a similar feed. aggregator/filter system to weed out the stuff you don’t want to appear in your RSS widget feed. If you are covering a broad topic you might want to either include several feeds in separate containers to allow you to display multiple feeds on a page/site, or use the RSS feed aggregator to add together feeds from different places and display them combined in a single RSS feed widget.

Whatever your aims are for your RSS feeds, they provide audiences with better navigation and up to date information and the website owner some SEO value. There is certainly no punishment for having RSS feeds on a page (which in theory duplicates content from elsewhere) Google encourages good content to be shared like this as it improves the user experience and accessibility of information online.

List Top Site High Page Rank RSS Feeds Directories For SEO.

RSS Network  - submit RSS feeds
Syndic8  - submit RSS feeds
DayPop  - post your RSS feed or blog
Feedster  - submit your RSS feed
Rocket News  - post your RSS feed
Technorati  - submit your RSS feed to be pinged
Userland  - submit rss feeds
Postami  - submit rss feeds
Finance Investing Feeds  - Only submit finance or investment related feeds.
Security Protection Feeds  - Submit only security or protection related feeds RSS feeds select appropriate category.
Realty Feeds  - Submit only home related RSS feeds. Be sure to select the appropriate category.
Medical Feeds  - Submit feeds related to medical care or health.
Religious Podcasts  - Submit only podcasts that relate to religion, sermon or spiritual beliefs.
Sports Feeds  - Submit sports related RSS feeds and podcasts.
Political Feeds  - Submit political feeds and podcasts.
Government Feeds  - Submit feeds ONLY from government agencies. Feeds from both Local and federal governments are accepted.
Educational Feeds  - Submit feeds and podcasts related to education.
2RSS  - submit rss and assign category (on bottom)
NewsMob  - submit rss news feeds
RocketInfo  - submit your rss content and feed
Edu RSS  - harvests only feeds dealing with educational technology and related issues. All feeds are reviewed before being added to the list. - submit News using XML
Complete RSS  - enter the url(s) of the feeds you wish to add to the directory.  - add rss feeds
Memigo  - submit a news link to memigo
BulkFeeds  - submit an rss feed
Ping-O-Matic  - rss feed submissions (pings site)
Yenra  - submit RSS news feed
easyRSS  - gives you a direct access to the content you are interested in.
NewsXS  - submit rss feeds
FeedFarm  - all submitted feeds are reviewed
FastBuzz  - submit feeds
Search4RSS  - submit RSS feeds
DeskFeeds  - rss feed and blog submissions
Terrar  - rss feed submissions
The Feed Spot  - submit feeds
StepNewz  - submit rss news feeds
RSS Verzeichnis  - German feed submissions
4Guys from Rolla  - submit feeds
DevASP  - add feed listing
FuzzySoftware  - submit XML listings
ASP Index  - submit RSS feeds
SourceForge  - submit news feeds
Feed Directory  - submit RSS feeds in the feed directory.
FeedBeagle  - submit feeds (scroll down)
FeedPlex  - submit feeds
Feeds4All  - submit RSS feeds
Plazoo  - submit RSS feeds
Newzfire  - submit RSS feeds
Feed24  - RSS feed submissions
Shas3  - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category
FeedCat  - Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category
RSS Clipping  - add RSS urls
Read A Feed  - add RSS urls
Loomia  - add RSS feeds
Feeds2Read  - add your RSS feeds
Feedzie  - add your RSS feeds
RSS Portal  - add your RSS feeds
RSS Feed 4U  - add your RSS feeds
StepNewz  - suggest RSS feeds
StepNewz  - suggest RSS feeds
JordoMedia  - suggest RSS feeds
RSS Mad  - add an RSS feed (on bottom right side)
FeedBomb  - Navigate category and suggest a feed.
nFeeds  - Submit RSS feeds only.
Auto Feeds  - Submit automotive feeds only.
News Goblin  - Submit automotive feeds only.
Wordum  - Submit automotive feeds only
FeedSee  - Submit feeds using keyword searches.
Submit Feeds  - RSS submission feeds
Feedooyoo  - Submit RSS feeds
Science Port  - Add RSS feeds
FeedAge  - Submit RSS feeds
GoldenFeed  - Submit RSS feeds
RSSMicro  - Submit RSS feeds
Octora RSS Feeds  - Submit RSS feeds
FeedFury  - Submit RSS feeds
RSSMotron  - Submit RSS feeds
FindRSS  - Submit RSS feeds
FeedBase  - Submit RSS feeds
RSSMotron  - Submit RSS feeds  - Submit RSS feeds
Day Time News  - Submit RSS feeds
FeedGod  - suggest a feed (on the right)
RSSBuffet  - submit an RSS feed
SolarWarp - submit an RSS feed
Feedest  - submit a feed
RSSMicro  - submit a feed  - submit an RSS Feed
RSS Mountain  - submit RSS
FeedSee  - human edited RSS submissions
RSSSpan  - Feeds Directory Search.
FeedNuts  - Feeds Directory Search.
Submit Blogs and Blog RSS Feeds
Blog Digger  - submit your rss feed for your blog
ReadABlog  - submit your blog
Blogarama  - submit your blog
BlogStreet  - blog submissions
Globe of Blogs  - submit your rss feed for you blog
Kmax Blog Links  - blog submission
BlogSearchEngine  - submit rss feeds for web logs
BlogHop  - submit feeds for blogs
EatonWeb  - submit feed for online blogs
PopDex  - feed sumbission for web blogs  - blog submissions
BlogCensus  - submit your rss feed for your blog
BlogTree  - blog submission
BlogStreet  - rss feed submission for blog
BritBlog  - blog submission
BlogLines  - submit your blog to the directory
Australian Blog Directory  - submit your blog
BoingBoing  - submit blogs for review
RootBlog  - enter the URL of a RSS feed you want to added to the database.
Weblog Directory  - submit blog to directory
BlogoSphere EcoSystems  - add your weblog
Blogz  - add your blog
BlogWatcher  - submit the url of your web log
BlogMatcher  - submit your blog url
BlogPulse  - automated trend discovery system for blogs
BlogCatalog  - The Ultimate Blog Directory – Search For Blogs
Blogdir  - spanish blog community
Blogs R Us  - add feed
Blogs By City  - add your blog!
FeedMap  - submit a blog!
BlogSearch  - submit blogs
BlogSweet  - blog feed submission.
BlogFlux  - blog feed submission.
Blogtastic  - blog feed submission.
Blog Introduction  - submit blogs.
Finding Blog  - blog submissions
Bulletize  - blog submissions
BlogTopSites  - blog submissions
Blog Fuse - blog submissions
Blogion - blog submissions
AddUrlBlog - add blogs
Blogbib - add blogs
BOTW Blog - add blogs
Blog Directory Submit - add blogs
BlogTopSites - add blogs (they will provide required code that must be inserted in your website, in order for blogtopsites to rank your blog)
iBlogBusiness  - add business blogs only
BlogSiteZone  - manually add blogs to directory.
BlogTopList  - adds blogs to directories.
BlogBurst  - adds blogs to directories.
   Every webmaster have an aim to generate huge amounts of traffic to earn money. Submitting RSS feeds is one way to achieve this aim. For this you need to get your RSS feed or if you do not have one then please create one for submitting to these site.

What basically happens is that when you submit your feed, it is further distributed to feed readers and your links start to get shown on the inside pages of the websites you have submitted them. They get ranked and if your article is really worth reading it is chosen by the editor to feature on the main page getting your thousands of unique visitors without wasting a single dime.

That’s from my side! If I missed any important high pagerank RSS directory above, please let me know via Commenting below!

Wish You Success!

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