Security Tips For Google, Facebook And Other Online Services

Security Tips For Google, Facebook And Other Online Services

   The recent news about the secret activities of the U.S. government, the strengthening of invasion of personal information and your avatar to appear on Google Ads raises a problem: Information your Online 's only maximum protection when you can keep an eye on them. But when the data is located on a server in a distant place, they are not totally belong to you anymore.

   There have been a lot of information about daily life we are put online , mainly to bring the convenience of Gmail and then e-mail storage , Dropbox and SkyDrive help your datastore can be used anywhere, anytime. Windows 8 lets you search for information with the default engine Bing, Google Now even given the information that you need before you realize you need them.

But the convenience has kept pace with the loss of the ability to control, and this has caused problems with security of personal information.

This article may be just a few simple measures to help you minimize the amount of personal information of its online. But before you start, remember that these procedures are familiar with your tricks. You can follow all the instructions in this article, tightened security with just a few tips below or herself deeper into the field of security.

1. Prevent Google
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When it comes to reducing the amount of personal information online, we must start with Google. Imagine what your company owns : search history, Web pages you step in , sync your contacts to Gmail, the app had been downloaded from Google Play, location data from Android, Chrome and Maps, Google Drive document repository ... it seems more than you thought, right?

On his part, Google has control over the data very carefully, and has received good reviews in the survey " Who has your back," the EFF ( Electronic Frontier Foundation - Board to protect the interests of computer users). But Google has the right to access deep into your data, one thing to think about in the context of Google recently announced plans to use your real name and photo for promotional activities online ( which is not mention the " Scroogle " of Microsoft ).

Stop using Google does not seem to be a viable option for most people, this has created a monopoly for Google. Even if you switch to using the services of Microsoft data warehouse is located on your server. So what we can do if you want to reduce the amount of data shared online?
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First, try to prevent Google collect and share your data . Use the browser's security will help you to remove tracking cookies, including Google, when you quit your browser. You can also ask Google to stop searching information in the browsing history setting by adjusting the individual parts of Google.

Another solution is to replace the Google services that you can replace by the security services higher. Whether you are using Google Docs, but do not really need the ability to store it online ? Try to use open source software Libre Office. If you only need the features basic photo editing , replace Picasa with

2. Prevent Facebook
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   Google may have broad reach, but when it comes to codify social relationships your company does not have any comparable to Facebook. And like Google, Facebook basically can not be eliminated from our lives. You need it to register the preferred service, gaming, chat, and stay in touch with friends.

Tweak setting personal item in your Facebook profile can help prevent the prying eyes of other users - but the infringement can come from Facebook itself . So how to protect your personal information , but not to abandon the social network ?

It's easy: Stop press like continuity and give proper consideration to the page unnecessarily. Do not give more information to your profile as events in life where you step in ...

Finally , decide whether you want to continue to share your photos online repository or not. Think about whether anyone really admire them , or they only help for face recognition algorithms of Facebook ?

Facebook also can track when you move from one Web page to another web page by inserting the like button on this page. Make sure you log out of Facebook to avoid things like this happening, or use security mode web browser.

Finally, you can also delete her Facebook account if you can ( and want to ) get rid of virtual relationships on the Internet.

3. Repository "cloud "
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   If you have access to the archives, " cloud " of her , you probably will not want to give this gadget. However, you can take control online data warehouse that by encrypting them . This will help prevent the intrusion ( like what happened with Dropbox and Apple ).

Remember when the services ( like Dropbox ) encryption of your data on their servers , they also hold the key to decoding in most cases. That means that you can not control when and who can unlock the data that has been encrypted ( but this also contributes to the use of these services becomes easier - just enter your login information and click enter ! ).

Meanwhile the repository provider "cloud " like SpiderOak or Wuala can never reach the decryption keys which means only you can decrypt your data. ( Do you ever forget your password ! ) Also, you can encrypt your data on SkyDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, SugarSync , or any other online storage services other using the like tool like TrueCrypt or BoxCryptor

Or, if you want to at any time, from anywhere can have access to their data but do not trust anyone who handed them over, use a disk storage networking Western Digital My cloud as to create a cloud archive itself.
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4. Other Services

We just talk about what your online account or use , but there are other accounts that you have linked to your social network, why ? Please go to the settings of Facebook , Twitter or Google+ to see a list of applications and services associated with your account . And if there are any applications or services that you have not used for a long time , simply remove their access.

By the way, talking about applications and services, there is a simple way to protect your data warehouse regularly delete the account that you are not using anymore.

5. Surface of the iceberg

   Now, at least part of your data is under control, and you can devote attention to other things. However, we have only touched the surface of restricting who can access your bookmarks while browsing online.

If you want more security, try add on DoNotTrackMe of Abine a week and see how many cookies are blocked. You can also use the stand-alone electronic mailbox using the POP3 protocol to archive email and remove the message from the server vendor.

Today, the fully insulated with an impossible Internet, but just take a moment to review the personal data warehouse can be very helpful for security and your privacy. And remember , where deep understanding of security is totally dependent on you.

Good Luck To You!

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