What Is A Quality Website

What Is A Quality Website
     What is a quality website ? That is the question that many ask. In this article we try to compile and synthesize from their practical experience so that you can refer

Website quality is the website meets the following three conditions :

Compelling content, in full, with the intention of building a website.
Sorted , a reasonable layout, enabling the reader / operators to navigate website .
Beautiful form , consistent with the theme of the content .

To do so it is difficult not? Not hard if you have identified clear goals and work with partners is a professional company in designing and developing e-commerce tools.

I will analyze every detail:

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What Is A Quality Website 1
First you need to specify the object of the website. There may be potential customers, partners may be existing companies, foreign investors. They understand what language, what information do they care about the most. 

A very important point is that content must be updated regularly. A very common error of websites in Vietnam as people make it out to put online, the website is then forgotten . One such website does not bring anything to the enterprise, even counterproductive.

Where the cause ? Firstly we do not need to consciously regularly updated information , the second by the website is designed in outdated technology , requires a certain level of understanding any technical issues when you want to replace edited.

Exit : ask your website designer to provide you with a convenient tool to be able to change their information content , layout and even the form of the website. If they do not do this , or asking too much.

2 . The presentation.

  Perhaps this is the most important and most difficult for enterprises , perspective on the beauty of us usually not the same. sometimes the ones you like other people do not like , you can see the others simply mediocre.

Exit : the trust assigned to the designers, the professional stylist . If you boldly removed their ego aside and provide the necessary information about companies , products and services for your home design, you will have a beautiful and professional website .

This is the fundamental difference between the sites of a large company and a small company . A professional web designer knows how to make your site beautiful medium , medium -sized and compact , so users do not have to wait long to download information .

3 . Layout.

Experts on electronic commerce of the International Trade Organization ITC has given us a very valuable advice: " Let's see how people just do not click more than 3 times to find the information needed." If you've been shopping in the supermarket is very easy to see this problem . In a good supermarket system clear directions , you know just what you need to lie , plus you can " quick search " by asking waiters. A less then other supermarkets, walking around all day not much to find out. With a website , too . If achieving three objectives , one can say you have built a quality website.

Of course things do not just stop there, we will address the technical aspects of interest in other posts . So how can a website really bring quality and efficiency to the enterprise? The question is not simple to answer this question , let's make a comparison: website " home " website " shop " website " factory " website " supermarket " etc. .. And homogeneity between the type of website that has the obligatory basic steps to consider to have a quality website, including :

Step 1: Define what we need . That is the first step , and very important .

Step 2: Then we have to look for is the " architect " and even " construction worker " can afford to realizing your requirements, as well as to estimate how much investment is needed for " the building " future. You have to find people who have the ability to implement your ideas and sign the contract , which is the second step .

Step 3: When working with designers, website developers, please provide sufficient information as required by the " architect " , more information , more pictures, more opportunities to find the unique creative ideas . You may be very hard in this period , but there is no other way . You're clearly understand your business most.

Step 4: Your work has been completed , you should put it on the network , also known as hosting and promoting their introduction. Like after so opening a store , no ads , no customer will introduce transaction , buying and selling. At least then you must also register the name and address of the " store " in the " search window " , the " catalog " of products and services . In the world we call the Internet search engines like Yahoo , Google , Altavista etc. .. This is a crucial stage and can not be ignored. If you do not do this well , the entire effort for three stages before it can be said is wasted.

Step 5: The above work is done, come here, we can say the role of the " builder " has ended . Your website has been developed or not, have to keep living or not is up to you . If you stay up to date, innovative information , launched the promotional campaign, there are unique methods of marketing, your website will be effective. This is the stable phase and most interesting.

Step 6: Be prepared for changes in the future, information technology grows very fast, what seemed impossible when you 're designing websites, a few months or a few years later became a reality. So do not be too happy with what was there.

to put your website on top of Google, then you take a positive link building for your website. 

You can refer to the article List of 500 Social Bookmarking Sites Build Backlink Dofollow
Wish You Success.

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