How To Avoid Algorithm Penguin 2.0

How To Avoid Algorithm Penguin 2.0

   For the SEO people google algorithm change is a very worthy of attention. Because google algorithm directly related to website development. and it relates to the ranking of your website.
   Google continually update the new algorithm to minimize the Webspam. Recently, dated 05.22.2013 giant google further complemented Penguin 2.0. That resulted in the Webmaster and SEOer encountering difficult as keywords dropped TOP series.

   So how, how can you escape the Penguin 2.0 ? This could be the subject and question many SEOer discussed during the past few days since the Penguin 2.0 update.

  Google Panda and Penguin used to help manage the rankings on the search engines. These algorithms have the effect of eliminating the duplicate content and alert the Webmaster of Spam activity on their site . In addition, it also supports the assessment of the site has done good SEO principles in accordance with standard guidelines of Google.

   Penguin 2.0 has been updated date 05/22/2013. According to Matt Cutts - who heads the research team to prevent Google Webspam share : Penguin 2.0 has impacted and affected 2.3 % of the queries for the English language and of a number of searches in other languages.

 Cutts also commented in an online discussion

"It is a new achievement of Penguin algorithm. If the previous version was only detected outside the site's homepage, Penguin 2.0 can now go deeper and affected all areas of the website. "

How to avoid algorithm Penguin 2.0 ?

   In recent days, a number of new sites not affected by the storm Penguin 2.0. Consequently, the website owner does not feel the change and the damage has occurred. But some of the old website was found to be the major damage when a series of positions no longer display their high ranking in the charts. Webmaster Many complained that they had been cut by a large amount of traffic, sometimes to over 30 %. That the decline which shows that site seem to violate Google's guidelines. For years, Google has been trying to convey the message that " You build a good website, great content and useful for users"

Here are some ways that you can SEO without being flagged as spam.

1. Social media:

Social networking is a tool to help you pass Penguin 2.0. It is a way to be able to share messages, news, and photos of your family, loved ones. It is the main tool in Internet Marketing, that it moves not stop and continuously if you use the right way. but you are not allowed to spam , choose articles or good content to share

2. building Backlinks.

   Create links from your site went to some reputable sites. It could be the site of tail gov, edu or org. When you get the link, and you 're saying is that Google knows that " This is a trustworthy website, rather than a webspam "

   And you also need to control and check the links from your site to the bad site and find ways to remove them. Web Special "adult ". Even without web content related to your site.

3. Content.

   Penguin 2.0 does not like the nature Copy article which it does not have the intellect, creativity. Although this article may deceive the search engines in a period. But Google would classify it as webspam form. So, build web content in clean and reasonably create useful content for users.

Spam is bad news for good Website

   This is bad news for the other sites operate legally under the guidelines of Google, it's like operating your business. Because it's buried at the bottom of the charts. Your website will make it hard for people to search and locate.

   When partners do not find your website, meaning that they will not want to cooperate with you. And your income will be affected.

   If you still are not confident or not enough to know how to SEO fine. Do not hesitate to consult, or you can hire a reputable SEO company locally. They can advise and help you how to avoid SEO Spam techniques.

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