Nokia Have "Departed" Forever!

Nokia Have Departed Forever

   On the evening of 25.4, according to Vietnam now, Microsoft has officially announced the completed acquisition of equipment and services segment of Nokia. Thus, the business of Nokia mobile has become a part of Microsoft.

The change from Nokia to Microsoft means that for a lot of Nokia employees, on Friday ( 04/25/2014 ) is their last day with " Nokia ". Many Nokia employees shared sense of sadness, sadness because unfortunately miss this change.

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Nokia Office last day.

In a blog post, John Kneeland, director of product development platform Nokia has described the last lunch Nokia employees also can sit together and discuss the changes they are facing.

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Kneeland wrote: " On the day of 25.4 on Nokia " to go. " From tomorrow, I will have my office in Sunnyvale. Buildings will remain the same as yesterday. But half the people I 've same here would work out. And today we all share. tomorrow we will not share anything together anymore, except for the memories."

Many Nokia employees also feel a similar sentiment about the changes they are facing. This is shared by the Director of Music and Media, Mark Wheatley:

Share Nokia before Microsoft officially: 1 hour anymore, I became personnel Microsoft. Goodbye Nokia.

And this is of Vile - Pekka Kivimäki, who has worked in product development segment of Nokia:
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The last day at Nokia.

This photo was taken on Instagram by Wayne Spillett, Director of Nokia community:
There are also some who feel optimistic, as communications director Chris Hollis of Nokia:
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The last day is the Nokia. Glad to joining Microsoft, but still not from sorrow.

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Kneeland has described the working day for Nokia as "an amazing experience as life-changing." He also wrote that: " Nokia as we know no longer, but its impact on the mobile industry and the world which will last for many years."

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