Samsung Galaxy S5 & HTC One M8 Competed In Power-Saving Capabilities

   According to Samsung, power saving mode ( Ultra Battery Saving Mode ) on Galaxy S5 can help users prolonged 24 hours use when the phone's battery only approximately 10% . Meanwhile rival to the HTC One M8 with Extreme Power Saving Mode mode, will help get you 15 hours when the phone's battery is only approximately 5%. But the actual selection of the device to save battery better?

   Both power saving mode on the two devices are generally utilize a similar advantages are: Limit CPU usage, turn off the haptic feedback and vibration, limited data base, disabled of data when the screen is off, limiting the available applications and reduce screen brightness or reduce visibility colors.

Basic hardware problems

  The main difference between the two modes is really dependent on hardware. While Samsung Galaxy S5 uses Super AMOLED screen , the HTC One M8 using the LCD screen. AMOLED display downside is that outdoor quite poorly with the ability of high -contrast lighting , but it has the advantage of less power consumption for lighting pixels are just as colorful displays. If your screen is mostly black, the device will not use more pixels. On the other hand LCD screens have advantages when using outdoor lighting but all the pixels when the screen is turned on . Not surprisingly, the Galaxy S5 utilize energy-saving effect of gray as shown in the power saving mode of the One M8 still use colors displayed on screen.

Access and implementation

   Both power-saving mode can be easily accessed from within the Settings menu of each device. Samsung Galaxy S5 only allows you to turn Ultra Power Saving Mode. When enabled, Samsung Galaxy S5 will take some time to activate and switch the background color to gray and limited applications. The process of switching to this mode also takes a certain time.

   While Extreme Power Saving Mode on HTC One M8 to be enabled fast and equally simple to turn on/off. The big difference here is that in addition to being able to activate and use the stop mode, you can also leave power saving feature automatically executed when the battery reaches a certain point is 5 %, 10 % or 20 % remaining. This is a great advantage that Samsung needs to learn. But like the Samsung Galaxy S5, One M8 also has power saving mode often good . During the approach and implementation, HTC One M8 clear winner in terms of speed and ability to set up.

Functionality And Convenience

   When considering the function, there is no big difference between the two modes on the device, but what can make a big difference depending on what you are expecting. Both modes are supported dialing and text messaging usual, but HTC One M8 only  email features, while the Samsung Galaxy S5 supports full Internet access ( although gray background ). Both modes will disable some applications when the power save mode as Camera, Calendar or Clock. But the big difference here is that the Samsung Galaxy S5 has two points to programming for user-defined applications in Ultra Power Saving Mode.

   Samsung Galaxy S5 has the following applications will be used in Power Saving Mode Ultra Mode includes: Phone, Messages, Internet and Clock , along with the additional options are: Calculator, ChatON, Google+, and Voice Memo Recorder. Although not the best but useful application, but the ability to access the full Internet on Google+ and in this mode is a good choice. Meanwhile HTC One M8 only the default applications available following may be used ( no alternatives as Galaxy S5 ): Phone, Messages, Mail, Calendar and Calculator.

See And Feel

   Both power save mode on the two smartphones is the same. The main difference is the Samsung Galaxy S5 will reduce visibility to color and grayscale displays in power saving mode, while still M8 HTC One color display. This makes the power saving mode of HTC less, because the view and use the app you will not have the feeling that you are using the phone in power saving mode and have limited emergency mechanism as used on the Galaxy S5.

Although the entire interface of the  Galaxy S5 as well as applications are moved to gray, but the functionality and customization of the Galaxy S5 supplement use in power-saving mode is useful and better than HTC One M8.


   Extreme Mode Power Saving Mode on HTC One M8 features the ability to turn on and off quickly. However, in this mode is limited M8 One more time the user can only use a few basic features that do not have much choice other than Galaxy S5.

   Ultra Power Saving Mode on Samsung Galaxy S5 provides application programming options, although the boot process and transfer mode system is a bit slow and lacks the ability to perform automatic power saving mode when necessary, but the functions that users can use on the Galaxy S5 mode is useful. Although there is not enough time to fully test the battery life of power save mode on both devices but at first glance the Samsung Galaxy S5 was clearly predominant.

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