Statistics 80% Of Game Flappy Bird Clones Contained Malicious

Statistics 80% Of Game  Flappy Bird Clones Contained Malicious

(Technewonline) According to security firm McAfee, average of 5 games flappy Bird  eat follow  there were 4 games were installed malicious code.

flappy Bird  was released by Nguyen Ha Dong  mid-2013 on iOS and on Android earlier this year. This game achieved great success with over 50 million downloads but then was taken down by Dong in month 2/2014.

Realizing the large interest of the players, cyber crime has rapidly developed hundreds of counterfeit versions flappy Bird to distribute malicious code. In the latest statistics, games McAfee found 300 game, which accounts for about 79% of the total number of  game eat follow flappy Bird can be harmful to the user's device.

Once malware is installed on the computer, bad guys can control the victim's smartphone to make calls, install other applications, collect personal information such as contacts, address or call recording and copy SMS ...

Not only flappy Bird, many other applications are also copied and cybercriminals deceive users. Therefore, the security experts recommend that phone users need to carefully consider the source before downloading the application.

Earlier, Ha Dong Nguyen vowed to revive flappy Bird on 8/2014 and will adding multi-player mode.

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