Facebook Scan Images Of users To Protection Child

Facebook Scan Images Of users To Protection Child

(Technewonline)  Just as Microsoft and Google, Facebook actively censoring the image every time the user logs on to remove the pictures violated. 

To avoid spreading or contain pornographic content harming children, Facebook will use tools developed by Microsoft (and Microsoft and Google are both used) to filter images on Facebook and Instagram.

"This is not a place for the child abuse content. They're deploying features PhotoDNA to scan each picture shared on the site to remove all child pornography. If detected, account it will be locked away and relevant organizations will be notified to check, "Facebook spokesman said.

Facebook will review each user's photos when they upload. 

Microsoft tool to distinguish the images violated, and where necessary warning adorable picture of a baby taking a bath in the sink to ignore the ceiling. Terms of use of Facebook does not mention browse photos, but clearly informed that users "may not publish offensive content, threats, decadence, violence or contains nudity."

However, some activists worry that the tool will also sometimes confused, or service providers such as Facebook, Google ... will take advantage of this tool to browse e-mail accounts on service cloud storage users.

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