5 Notable Changes In Windows 10 You Should Know

5 Notable Changes In Windows 10 You Should Know

 (Technewonline) Microsoft has launched Windows 10 Technical Preview version for those who love to test new operating system on your computer. If you did not want to use this OS as the primary operating system, you can install it on a secondary partition or virtual machine software. 

But before you install, you should see some of the following information on the latest operating system (for desktop) Microsoft.

1. Why is Windows 10 ?

   Not the same previous predictions about Microsoft's new operating system will be called Windows 9. Microsoft announced called Windows 10, this is an open system for all devices from phones intelligent, computer desk, to the Xbox. Therefore, the operating system needs to have a more perfect name, rather and later. With this call will break rule called Windows in the next version. You can refer to the article Why choose the name Microsoft Windows 10 instead of Windows 9 ? 

2. Start Menu

   The highlight of Windows 10 is the reappearance of the Start button, click on it you will see Windows 8 Start appearance. That is, the new operating system is equipped with the Start button style files and folders as Windows 7 complete with familiar programs and then there are those cells integrate Live Tile tiles with applications utility from the Windows Store app marketplace.

3. Virtual Desktop with multi-monitor mode

5 Notable Changes In Windows 10 You Should Know 1   
   Sometimes, you work on Windows 7, Windows 8 to feature multiple monitors to increase job performance. A notable feature of the new OS version is the Task View icon on the taskbar helps open up the virtual desktop interface. 

When you double click on the button click the Task View, you will see a set of top apps, as well as the slideshow of other virtual desktop below. This feature as a multimonitor setup, allowing users to switch between virtual desktops and applications received.

4. Excellent features with Windows Management

   Microsoft has listened to the opinions of users to make Windows more and more professional, with multitasking operations easier. This is evident in the new system Windows Management features, users can easily perform operations with applications via drag and drop the window on the screen.

5 Notable Changes In Windows 10 You Should Know 2 

   On Windows 10, you will be given the option to sort the meaningful application in the remaining space. This feature is very useful and works well in multi-screen mode. Windows 10 allows mounting 4 apps on the screen, and only a quarter of the screen.

5 Notable Changes In Windows 10 You Should Know 3 

5. Application Windows App Store will run on Windows

   Windows applications on the App Store with a capacity of lightweight, fast and efficient and a beautiful interface. When the app store operating in a Windows environment for the desktop, you can use keyboard shortcuts to manage them more effectively.

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