5-Year-Old Boy Became Experts Of Microsoft

5-Year-Old Boy Became Experts Of Microsoft

(Technewonline) Although the 5-year-old boy but Ayan Qureshi British were able to pass the exams of Microsoft and become the youngest professional computer technology village.

Ayan Qureshi, a new 5-year-old boy in the city of Coventry (England), was recently certified computer experts Microsoft (Microsoft Certified Professional - MCP), after passing its test section software. MCP is a competition with rigorous tests. The participants experienced candidates who studied information technology and want to become experts in this field.

5-Year-Old Boy Became Experts Of Microsoft 1 
   He Asim, Ayan's father decided to teach him how to install Windows software for PCs and for his participation in the qualifying examination of the corporation's assets leading software Microsoft.

He passed tests only for college graduates of the University of Birmingham (UK) for 2 hours. His father is a consultant in information technology, has set up a home computer network.

Talking to the BBC, he said: "I have found it difficult to contact the computer network at home, but I feel very interesting. I hope someday to establish a center of IT in UK centers like Silicon Valley USA ".

Ayan has completed the exam within 2 hours. Test includes knowledge of hardware, software, and understanding the behavior of Windows that are normally only available to students who graduated from the University of Birmingham (UK)

He Asim (43), Ayan's father soon realized natural talent of his son should have him contact with computers since the age of 3. He had explained to him about the hardware, software, how to set up the program. Astonishingly, Ayan can remember everything he said.

5-Year-Old Boy Became Experts Of Microsoft 2                             Certificate of computer experts at Microsoft Corporation

   Currently owns 1 Ayan own computers at home and the boys were very excited with this room. He Asim said that Ayan will take the exam of Microsoft improve future while his current task is learning well.

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