Technology Charging Full With Just 30 Seconds

Technology charging full with just 30 seconds 
(Technewonline) Technology phone charging full within 30 seconds will be applied in a not too distant future.

Besides the new improved configuration parameters as well as product design style, the manufacturer is also very concerned about the battery life of mobile, because this is one of the factors that are considered when users choose to buy the product. At the present time, users enjoy fast charging technology from Qualcomm called Quick Charge 2.0 (currently apply to some products of Samsung and Motorola). Not only that, some manufacturers continued research to bring to market the product better, more perfect future.

Technology charging full with just 30 seconds 1 
  Technology Fast Charger - Quick Charge 2.0 supports on-chip mobile processor developed by Qualcomm (Photo: Internet)

A month ago, we've learned through ultra fast charging technology from Nanyang Technological University in China with the ability to charge 70% for 2 minutes, then now, the company also provides public StoreDot charging technology also 'peak' than that, the battery of your device can be filled only 30 seconds.

Technology charging full with just 30 secondsStoreDot developing charging technology 'superfast' - Only 30 seconds is fully pin

Reuters said, the company is headquartered in Israeli has developed a technology has advanced so, but users will have to wait until 2016, because the time is not yet 'ripe' for spreading this technology out.

In order to achieve the above-mentioned achievements, StoreDot have used nanotechnology to apply for the new generation batteries. More specifically, this technology uses 'nanodots' (this is the organic molecules of biological peptide) allows the device's battery faster thanks to the ability to absorb energy and maintain it. One of the interesting information attached, it is not working StoreDot 'unilateral', which is currently receiving support from a manufacturer of mobile intelligent Asia's leading 'anonymous'.

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