WireLurker Malware Threats Users Apple

WireLurker Malware Threats Users Apple

(Technewonline) Palo Alto Networks has detected a malware file dangerous (named WireLurker) is targeting Apple platform. Malicious software is not being detected by the scan tool before.

Episode WireLurker malware is detected through mobile and desktop platforms of Apple, threatening risk to businesses, government and Apple users worldwide.

WireLurker represents the collective first malware known to be infected with the iOS app is installed the same way as the operation of a traditional virus. It also means a first malware can install third party applications on iOS devices "non-jailbroken" (*) passed versions are provided for the business.

This is a collection of malware detected second attack iOS devices via USB OS X with. Episode malware first detected previously incurred auto-generation iOS new malicious applications through alternative binary files.

According to the initial observations of a developer working at Tencent, the study of Palo Alto Networks has confirmed the potential impact of WireLurker and assessment methods to detect, prevent and overcome the threat threatened and specific measures to protect customers Palo Alto Networks stated.

Palo Alto Networks has released signatures to detect all of the interactive command and control flow of WireLurker. We recommend customers to use the OS X and iOS devices implement strict policies to prevent our traffic WireLurker using enterprise security platform of Palo Alto Networks. A list of recommendations system, technicians, and corrective actions implemented are described in detail in the report on WireLurker.

"WireLurker unlike any malicious software of OS X and iOS of Apple," Ryan Olson, Creative Director, Unit 42, Palo Alto Networks.

(*) non-jailbroken is process the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch unusable code unsigned third-party operating systems to unlock and access the original.

                                                                                                              Source: TelecomAsia.net

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