10 Tips For Troubleshooting PC System Slowdowns

10 Tips For Troubleshooting PC System Slowdowns

(Technewonline) After a period of use, many people complain that their computer becomes slow, The following are some of the causes and remedies that you can refer to.

1. Too many components autostart

When installed, the computer just download processes, applications, drivers should be your most basic sense boot very quickly and gently.

But over time, there will be more and more software is set manually run the same operating system, prolonging the computer boots.

If you see this process an unusually long time, you can use a utility to disable the autostart feature of the program and the progress of the machine, from basic utility in Windows as MSConfig to the third-party software.

2. The disk fragmentation

One common cause is that the computer is running slow due to disk fragmentation. The inspection and defrag the hard drive can help you solve this problem, and do not take too much of your time. In Windows you access the Start menu> Computer, right click on the C: drive, select Properties> Tools> Defragment Now and follow the steps as instructed.

Note: You do not need to do this with the solid-state drive (SSD).

3. It has too many temporary files

During operation, and browser applications in the operating system needs to create temporary files for faster access times in the following activities.

Over time, those files will gradually occupied the hard drive, and the drive to be encroached too much then its performance will decrease dramatically. To solve this problem, you should regularly clean the machine by deleting temporary files manually or use a professional application as CClenaer garbage.

4. Configure wrong Pagefile

Machine operation is sometimes slow or error messages may be due Page File on the computer incorrectly configured. This is a file on your hard drive, Windows uses virtual memory to store programs and data, the physical memory (RAM) is not enough space available.

10 Tips For Troubleshooting PC System Slowdowns 1

To configure the Page File, you access the Start menu, right-click Computer, and select Properties. Next to Advanced> Settings> Performance> Advanced. In the Virtual Memory section, click the Change button and change the Page File size so that larger amounts of RAM in your machine.

Note: If you can not increase capacity for the Page file, you need to uninstall the software in your computer down or mount the new drive.

5. Registry Errors

Windows Registry is like a database for storing information and configuration path for the operating system and the software has been installed on the machine.

Like other components of the operating system, sometimes it will be an error or overload, arising problems such as slow start, operate unstable or can not recover back from sleep mode or standby.

In addition to a professional program such as CCleaner garbage, you also can find and use a variety of tools to overcome the problems related to the registry.

However, you should back up the registry before using this tool, because the "the unintended damage" although rare but can happen.

6. Slow Network

Network speed is usually not the direct cause-stage influence the performance of your computer, but if you are downloading a large file, using the cloud storage application program or a computer remote control , the network is slow will cause resonance causing slow downs.

If you encounter this situation, you can take measures such as replacing wired network, select a Wi-Fi network in the list of the most stable detector that is, check the configuration of the router ...

After the implementation of these measures, you can check the speed of your network by pinging the popular website through CMD command line window, or access a web site specializing in Internet speed test as Speedtest .net.

7. Machines  viral infected or malicious code

When installing software, web access or use the app on Facebook, you may have accidentally virus or malware to infiltrate your computer, this is one of the major reasons causing slowness and operational inefficiencies.

Rooms also more resistant, you equip yourself with the effective antivirus software is installed immediately after, and remember to periodically scan your system with this software.

8. Antivirus software - knife
2 blade?

Install anti-virus software is absolutely necessary, but sometimes they are also culprits for slow machines consume too many system resources.

You can check the amount of resources that the software is used by tracking the Processes tab in Task Manager and Performance. If they take up too much RAM and CPU, please temporarily disable them, or if the condition often slow calenders, remove them from the computer and look for a different security software lighter.

9. Obsolete Components

For a computer that has a lifespan of 5 to 10 years, the old exchange, replacement parts are necessities, but due to lack of experience, many people still suffer from fundamental mistakes, not the wasters some money by not fully leverage the performance of the new components, which can endanger the whole system.

Such a netbook only accept a 2GB Ram but you are eagerly inserted a 4GB stick of RAM, the result is a huge waste. In contrast, a transmission cable too old can lead to problems such as slow file transfers, causing data loss and affect the overall speed of the system.

10. The machine operates at high temperatures

There are many causes affecting the life of a computer, one of which is attached by machine defect, obstructing the air passage makes the important parts like the processor, graphics card or motherboard and heatsink must not operate at high temperatures.

This not only reduces the life of these parts, but also makes them not achieve the desired performance.

Therefore, computer hygiene is essential and often. You should turn on hygiene routine, or if not familiar enough, take out the machine shop to have them maintained for at least 6 months. You should also note book computer in a cool place, less dust and avoid air escape route off the machine.

                                                                                                                                Source: yahoo.com

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