(Technewonline) To add to the user experience as well as confirming his position as a major just launched Bing search function named AMBER missing children. Function is hoped will help the authorities more favorable in finding missing children.
Recently, in order to increase the user experience as well as its position of a big, Bing has added a lot of different search feature, which is the most typical AMBER.

AMBER is derived from an organized search for missing people in the US named: Broadcast Emergency Response, roughly translated as emergency response system, established shortly after the disappearance of girl Amber Hagerman in 1996 and murdered shortly thereafter.
On the mechanism of action, notice AMBER will be given immediately after a child goes missing, is widely through SMS, radio, television ... and now both Bing also enter a.
It is reported that Microsoft is currently working with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (national center for missing children and exploitation) to help broadcast AMBER. If someone is looking for an AMBER notice, Bing will be based on their location and make the results available for the missing child.
So far, December 2014, AMBER helped search more than 700 children were missing. Hopefully Microsoft will improve this tool and expand the range of activities in many other countries.
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