Chip Processor For The New IPhone Has Started To Be Produced

Chip Processor For The New IPhone Has Started To Be Produced

(Technewonline) According to a statement from the Electronic Times of Korean said, Samsung has started producing Apple chips at the base A9 Texas, USA

Production technology of new generation chip also be upgraded to 14nm lines, ie zoom out than previous generation 20nm. New chips are also changing in many ways than the A8 in the iPhone 6 and 6+.

Of course all is still not out of the general trend is "on a scaled and integrated more" new A9 chip size will be smaller than the A8. So, the future promises next-generation iPhone will be thinner, saving battery life and of course stronger.

Talk about A8 chip is integrated into the iPhone 6 and 6+, which is Apple assigned to another unit production Samsung TSMC Taiwan. However, the apple deliberately removed Samsung  out the game also gives Apple difficulties when completing a series of serious errors occur in the iPhone 6 and 6+. Apple admittedly capable of producing a quality components Samsung's and reluctance to return to cooperative close intimate.

However, Apple is unlikely to order all at Samsung to avoid the Samsung depends entirely. TSMC Taiwan can still receive orders from Apple, but probably only a small part.

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