Introduction Stick Hero - Simple Mobile Game Interesting

Introduction Stick Hero - Simple Mobile Game Interesting 
(Technewonline) Stick Hero is now available on the most popular 2 platforms as iOS and Android, the gameplay is simple but sometimes also cause "inhibition" is no less Flappy Bird.

Stick Hero game is the new release of Ketchapp, manufacturers of mobile game quite successfully take the path of simplification in both graphics and gameplay, an effective way of 2014 after the success of Flappy Bird by Dong Nguyen. Maybe the name Ketchapp unimpressive with the listener, but this is also the author of the cult game time through 2048, Don't Step On The White Tile, Amazing Ninja, ...
Back to Stick Hero, the game is quite simple graphics and fun, whose mission is to "bridge" to the protagonist can go through the pile of blocks on the road. Number of spindles passing is also the number point of players.

Introduction Stick Hero - Simple Mobile Game Interesting 1 
   How to play: Click and hold on the screen to build bridges, press the longer, the longer bridge. Players need to calculate and true alignment to the lowered standards, this need enough bridged to reach the pile. Longer or shorter will cause the character to "fall off a cliff" and lost, but if the bridged is right in the middle will be a plus point. In the process of moving that meet results (red), we can tap the screen to figure turned down and then immediately click ate up.

Introduction Stick Hero - Simple Mobile Game Interesting 2

In addition to the score, another indicator is also quite necessary, it is Some fruits earned. This number will be used to unlock other characters (in the home screen of the game), funny than the original character. And if you want to quickly unlock all the characters they can spend money to buy.

Link Stick Hero download for iOS.

Link Stick Hero download for Android.

Longer on Windows Phone, though undeveloped Ketchapp Stick Hero for the platform, but you can also download a few games with the same name and similar gameplay.

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