Smartphone Market 2015 Volatility How ?

Smartphone Market 2015 Volatility How 
(Technewonline) In 2014 saw strong growth of the smartphone market. Still, concern is growing circuit will look like in the next year? The most recent estimates by IDC, the research firm said the market for smartphone devices will grow slowly next year and beneficial for the consumer.

According to IDC predicts that in 2015 there will be 1.5 billion devices sold, an increase of 12.2% over the year. However, that figure is only half compared with growth of 26% in 2014. Even sluggish growth will be extended until 2018, with an average growth rate of about annually  9,8%.

Smartphone Market 2015 Volatility How 1In 2015 remains strong confrontation between android and iOS. (Photo: Internet)

Notably, according to IDC, smartphone price will be reduced from the average price in 2014 was 297 USD to 241 USD in 2018. The emerging markets, such as India, will see the average price reduction more, from 135 USD  in 2014 to 102 USD was 2018. And sales of the smartphone manufacturers will be strongly affected by the increasingly fierce competition on price.

This change is due to the Chinese phone company. "The impact of the phone companies are up in China on the global market will be reflected in a race to the bottom when it comes to pricing." Ms Melissa Chau Says, an analyst at IDC.

According to Melissa Chau, sales of high-end smartphones will be most affected, the market appears more and more smartphones with good configuration at affordable prices. Consumers will not have to choose the most advanced smartphone to ensure the quality of the hardware as well have a better experience. The biggest question, according to Melissa Chau is the price will drop to the extent only.

Market share of mobile operating systems, IDC forecasts Android platform continues to dominate with 80% of devices sold using this operating system provides 61% of global revenues. Also by the influence of Android is so large as Tizen OS or Firefox will hardly break into unless bring "a completely different appeal."

For its part, Apple iOS and continues to hold the position of 13% and 34% of global revenues. However, Apple's revenue, according to IDC analyst Ramon will still rise despite declining market share because of its equipment is sold at high prices.

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