Bad Habits Should Give Up When Use Of Technology Products

 Bad Habits Should Give Up When Use Of Technology Products

 (Technewonline) In 2015 has officially started and this is where you can start to give up bad habits in the use of the service or product technology.

1. Using the same password for multiple sites

Using the same password on multiple sites quite dangerous because if one of the hacked sites, such information can be used to access other websites.

Bad Habits Should Give Up When Use Of Technology Products 1                        Using the same password for multiple sites is quite dangerous.

Ideally, you should try a password manager like LastPass, it can store the user name and password different on each page for you, it can also create a new password and can access directly online.

2. Backup your photos

habit not Infrequent  synchronize your phone with your computer or cloud services will make you have more risk of losing all the pictures of your important memories. Ideally you should download an application that automatically backs up your photos and capture video from your phone to the cloud. There are many applications of this type such as Google Drive, Dropbox.

Bad Habits Should Give Up When Use Of Technology Products 2                    Do not take the backup image can also cause you trouble.

3. Not setting your Facebook
It's easy to access Facebook, see what your friends are saying and send your status updates. However, you should get habit into the custom settings in your Facebook regularly, such as changing passwords, filter the view to ensure that your personal information not be bad objects collected .

Bad Habits Should Give Up When Use Of Technology Products 3                       Not setting your Facebook account regularly.

4. Always run Flash content on your laptop

Many people do not know that allowing free run Flash content in the browser will make your computer or laptop to heat up and soon run out of battery. If you are using Google Chrome browser, try FlashControl, and on Firefox, try Flashblock.

Bad Habits Should Give Up When Use Of Technology Products 4                                  Containing Flash content to run comfortably.

By default, when using these applications, the browser will not run Flash content on your site is not allowed. You will be surprised to see his equipment to work longer if limited by the Flash slideshow.

                                                                                                                                      (source cnet)

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