Samsung Galaxy S6 Details Photos Leaked

Samsung Galaxy S6 Details Photos Leaked

(Technewonline) In the past, Samsung Galaxy S5 been introduced earlier than the previous annual tradition to remove the failed part from the Galaxy S4 at the time. However, it seems that the current business situation also causes negative for Samsung Galaxy S6 forced to release earlier than planned.

Currently, we have some leaked images relatively clear about the Galaxy S6. The device is expected to push sales of the Samsung better future. The pictures posted on the blog of Toranji provide some information is quite clear that it will take advantage of a very good color reproduction in its next generation flagship, the screen size is increased but overall size does not change much. but the design remains the same with the physical Home button located between the two sides and is keys multitasking and Back.

The most significant change from the material was switch to the processing of metal  luxurious instead of plastic as the previous generation. In addition, there will be a few new color versions such as yellow, orange and red.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Details Photos Leaked 1
                                                    Galaxy S6 will have add yellow version

According to the leaked before, the hardware configuration of the Galaxy S6 will screen from 5.2 - 5.5 inch Quad HD resolution (1440 x 2560 pixels) Super AMOLED, 64-bit processor, 8 core, Snapdragon 810, running Android 5.0 Lollipop.

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