You Choose According To What Criteria Smartphone?

You Choose According To What Criteria Smartphone

(Technewonline) The saturation of the technology is that we can easily see in recent times. The contention of the big time has shifted from creative direction, developing new features towards creating breakthroughs in design and features support as photography, photo editing, social networking ...

You want to stand out and apart from the masses, you want a smartphone becomes an important accessory to confirm your ego. Let's take a look at the criteria to select the smartphone user's personality suits you offline!

Brand strength

No need to say more. Either iPhone or Samsung.

You will not be proud if using the phone that no one can know it is the product of any company, their value, great utility function or only in the form of "chicken chicken" ... Select iPhone , it would be reasonable if you have a "combo" the iPad, iPhone, Macbook (iMac) ... thanks for the optimum synchronization features of the iOS operating system with Mac OS users will have gone good experience, convenience and "cool".

But on the contrary, you will be limited in choice, by cycle launches iPhone is very long (1-2 years / product). Of course the price is also something to think about.

On the contrary: for Samsung, the first thing you get is the variety of product segments, from mid-range to high-end has many choices. These products Samsung has made many impressive in recent times, such as the Samsung Galaxy S5 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ... thanks good features and refined in design. In particular, the latest must include Galaxy line A, the metal monolithic design and thinnest smartphone in the line of Samsung.

Design impressive

You should see the phone as fashion accessories. That's for sure.

Do not stop at the phone, office applications, games ... Phone now for your child is to be beautiful, to create an impression and attract the opposite. Of course, again, the new lightweight perfect.

Apple has ever created "effects" designed for iPhone 3G and then 5, 5S ... but now, it is no longer a weapon own line of iPhone again. These advances in the design of Sony, Samsung ... helped users more options, even more impressive than the iPhone.

If Sony with "weapons" is water resistant "top" of the high-end Z series, the Samsung increasingly conquered by smartphone users, achieving class differences in design. Samsung Galaxy A smartphone is a proven understanding of Samsung user sensitive and can be drawn directly on the product.

You Choose According To What Criteria Smartphone 1
Samsung Galaxy A is a breakthrough in the design of Samsung

A Galaxy is Samsung's thinnest smartphone. This is also a line of smartphones designed metal monolith - an important improvement in the manufacturing of mobile devices, the brand's fastest growing electronics world.

You Choose According To What Criteria Smartphone 2

Not only that, with light lines and soft curved claws, A3 and A5 Galaxy has attracted many young customers in the first days of product introduction. Joke, many people call it the "death curve" is not wrong.


A screen with 4-inch minimum size or greater is required. In addition, Full HD screen is selected mandatory for young people. The demand for telephone contact with more and more young people from viewing photos, watching movies, to play games, surf the web ... requires a monitor to ensure the quality of vision as well as the most comfortable when using use.

Many products for users to choose, from mid-range to high-end Full HD screen has to be "universal" relatively fast in recent times.

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Screen Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is considered the best phone screens today

Apple, Samsung, and HTC is the company has diversified products on display Full HD, best quality and most appreciated. But there is one thing you may not know, the iPhone screen is manufactured by Samsung. So, you can also find many products have experienced great screen, good features from Samsung, but cost much less expensive than iPhone: Galaxy A5, Galaxy A3  ...

Samsung Galaxy A3 and A5 are integrating the Super Amoled screen, a legendary screen technology company Samsung has been improved and the introduction on Samsung Galaxy Tab S.

With Super Amoled screen, thanks to its high contrast (over the Retina display on the iPhone), the superior color reproduction, along with the ability to create highly customized abundance of shades and colors brilliant, more impressive, to help users feel "satisfied" when viewing photos, watching movies, playing games ...

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The display is beautiful on Samsung Galaxy  A3 and Samsung Galaxy A5


Most of today's smartphones will give you satisfaction when using the camera, you should consider what is probably the front camera to be spoiled selfie and convenient photo editing apps fast, convenient, easy operation.

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With Samsung Galaxy A5, you do not need to press capture still can selfie comfortable. Selfie clever shooting modes and the ability to manually edit the original image will selfie your experience to a new level.

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Function Selfie wide angle (Wide Selfie) on Galaxy A5 allows you Selfie style by matching 3 panorama picture from left / middle / right into a group Selfie best picture.

These high-end products like the iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, Samsung Galaxy Note 4, Samsung Galaxy S5 ... sure will please you in this request immediately. However, these products have high price, if your abilities at a lower price, the ideal would be Samsung Galaxy A3 and Samsung A5.

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