The Hacker Group Misappropriating More $ 1 Billion Worldwide

The Hacker Group Misappropriating More Than $ 1 Billion Worldwide

(Technewonline) Group cybercrime named Carbanak attacked hundreds of banks and appropriated $ 1 billion over two years.

Information given by Kaspersky Lab, one of the leading security company world  based in the Russia.

According to Kaspersky Lab, a criminal group known by the name Carbanak have attacked more than 100 banks around the world, and within two years, we have gained immense amount, up to a billion dollars.

Unlike other small hackers often selected object is used to attack a bank account, use these tips to hijack their account, Carbanak group would penetrate into the system of banking system lax security, then quietly move money into full account so designated because they can usurp such a large amount.

Kaspersky Lab said, tricks of the criminal group are sent an email containing malicious code to the banker, by the malicious code, they will be able to penetrate the internal network of the bank the video monitor.

Through video surveillance, criminals will know the operating procedures of the bank, then we will seek to "de facto", created the legal transactions and transfer money to an existing account, then withdraw money from an ATM that.

As announced from Interpol, the group has members in Europe, Russia, Ukraine and China, we can exploit any vulnerability of banks. And with such cunning is almost no bank can "immune" to the attack of this organization.

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