Why Is The Phone Companies Often Copied The Design Of The iPhone?

Why Is The Phone Companies Often Copied The Design Of The iPhone

(Technewonline) Apple's iPhone is the product being the most copied design and launch new iPhone 6 nearly 5 months ago was not an exception.

In fact, the form of the Apple phone was constantly being copied publicly in design as well as its own interface. Not only iPhone 6, older iPhone models are "clones" perfectly just after a short time on the market. So why phone companies (especially the brand from China) to copy the design of Apple products?

The design makes the brand Apple

The opening paragraph of a book on brand had described: "What has made the success of Apple? Many people wonder how Apple could have made the world crazy with the players music iPad, iPhones, iPads and iMac desktop line. they are not simply electronic items which are considered to be a cultural phenomenon. At Apple, design is how they view product operation, the experience of customers, not just the appearance of the product. Design is the crux of the problem. and the company has made the wisest customers to worship their products and Apple is the head of that man. "

At the headquarters of Apple, the design engineer leading products in the world are paying a very high salary (after directors) to be able to continuously create new devices have a nice design but does not lose its identity. And so, the advent of the iPhone possess unique beauty without any smartphone on the market can be. In fact, you should be able to recognize an iPhone with just a glance, and in particular, the owners of Apple products are often associated with the label "the conditions".

In the US, the use of Apple items are considered to be a culture of consumers and many parts of the world, especially Japan and the cradle of counterfeit goods - China possesses a large amount of IFAN. They would give a lot of things just to own the product design features from Apple. Therefore copying iPhone design will bring enormous benefits to the phone company started to build a name or even the name of the already prominent in the market.

The advantage of the marketing copy iPhone

Obviously, users globally known iPhone than any other mobile phones on the market. The Apple device is the preferred option for many people who want to own a smartphone. It referred to the iPhone as a pinnacle of design, a real high-end products, a fashion icon. Therefore, copying iPhone design also brings the feeling is somewhat similar to the customer and more specifically, it is in the copy that the phone company has a marketing advantage relative perfection.

First, the design is somewhat like iPhone has attracted the attention of technology and consumers. Although their equipment is processed carnage, adversely affect the brand. But that is really successful, and every new product launch, this phone carriers are utmost care in terms of communication and they see the company continue iPhone clone or not. This is a wise marketing users to learn without advertising.

Why Is The Phone Companies Often Copied The Design Of The iPhone 1
                                          GooPhone i6 looks like all iPhone 6

Next, the product has the same design iPhone are much cheaper price bashed general psychology of consumers, especially in Asia. Many people still wonder why these products can reproduce sale and even selling (typical of Xiaomi smartphones ago)? It is popular due to the iPhone but do not want to spend a large sum of money to spend on brand value.

Finally, it was resolved by the costs incurred for the building design. The point of this are not really related to marketing but this is no small advantage for emerging companies. Apple spent a lot of money to build, maintain a team of leading designers in order to place the iPhone in particular luxury. The copy will help save large sums of money to maintain it.

The replica designer iPhone has brought considerable economic benefits for the phone company emerging even have big names like Xiaomi, Lenovo. Typically, the telephone company focused in Asia with a large consumer markets such as China. This is also where the constant presence of replication status inventions from abroad. Nevertheless, users should be familiar with the appearance of phones like the iPhone design agency when the work has not really understand and accept this result is one of the right strategy for phone brands today. To be responsible, be accountable Apple has created a product so unique and perfect.

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