Windows (Phone) 10 Will Be Updated With The Latest Devices With Only 512MB Ram

Windows (Phone) 10 Will Be Updated With The Latest Devices With Only 512MB Ram

(Technewonline) Microsoft is very determined not to go back to his own footsteps few years ago. The company has abandoned a series of devices with the old configuration, this is disappointing for most users when Microsoft released version of mobile operating system on Windows Phone 8. With the large version launched, all equipment mobile currently running Windows Phone 8 can receive the upgrade to Windows (Phone) 10.

These low-cost devices running 512MB Ram account for no small part of sales of Nokia earlier. The Lumia 520 is a legendary example, but Windows (Phone) 10 is a major update and many users are concerned that their devices will be leaving Microsoft.

However, the good news when Joe Belfiore - vice president of Microsoft's Windows has provided some preliminary information on his Twitter. Specifically, the device has a low capacity only 512MB Ram is Microsoft testing performance when updating to Windows (Phone) 10.

The Lumia 520 demonstrate vitality for the current device configuration generally low while still getting attention from Microsoft, Windows (Phone) 10 will come with all devices with the configuration though only 512 MB Ram .

He also emphasized two problems with the line equipment with low capacity Ram, the first Microsoft has big ambitions when you want to update the device to be cheap Windows (Phone) 10 and the next issue which is some functionality will surely be limited by the hardware configuration.

However, this is still a good signal at least for the user. They may be relieved somewhat when the last day of the money to buy cheap equipment has only 512MB of RAM and Microsoft promises long-term support.

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