Percentage Of Users Satisfied With The IPhone 6 Reaches 99%

Percentage Of Users Satisfied With The IPhone 6 Reaches 99%

(Technewonline) The duo iPhone iPhone 6 and 6 Plus has achieved the score "no idea" about the proportion satisfied with the product's users.

 In the event taking place on 9/3 Spring Forward, Apple CEO Tim Cook said users scored highly for their latest smartphone. In the last year, 90% of iPhone owners in the US 5S and iPhone 5C each selected item "satisfied" and "very satisfied" with the product being invited to participate in a survey in 2014, while this year the figure has up to 99% with the iPhone 6.

In 2013, the rate was only iPhone 5 ASCI (American Customer Satisfaction Index - The index of satisfaction of the US) was 82%. That year, Apple was stiff competition by Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note II from Samsung.

iPhone 6 is equipped with a 4.7 inch screen while the iPhone 6 Plus is 5.5 inches, needs to own large screen phone consumers. However, some people still ironic that: "Perhaps, the users are very satisfied with the features of the new generation iPhone bendgate" (referring to the iPhone 6 is easily bent).

At the event, Tim Cook Apple claims sold a total of more than 700 million iPhones since 2007 and this is the best selling smartphone in history. iPhone grew 49% over the past year, nearly double the growth rate of 25% of the smartphone market.

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