What Everyone Not Knows About Billionaire Bill Gates

What Everyone Not Knows About Billionaire Bill Gates

(Technewonline) Bill Gates is the richest in the world for many years, the boss of Microsoft Corporation and is a major stake for the largest charity Bill & Melinda Gates world. However, that is what we know in the media and behind that is still a lot of interesting secrets in his life.

The list of world billionaires Forbes continually updated and Bill Gates still holds the top spot. Though the rich world, but, in my life, Bill did not stop the world and dedication to volunteer to take over any other billionaires worldwide. Therefore, people around the world refer to him with the utmost admiration. A talented people, rich, full of kindness and of course, the secrecy around his life remains a widely discussed topic worldwide. Here are the things that not everyone knows about Bill Gates

The name of Microsoft is not Bill Gates set

Everyone knows the boss Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Corporation, but, this is not the name by which he was put out by Paul Allen, co-founder of the group.

SAT exam with a score of almost absolute

SAT is a standardized test for subscribing to some universities in the United States. Bill Gates had achieved 1590/1600 equivalent to an IQ of 170 and then parked at Harvard University.

Became a billionaire in the world in 31 years

In an interview at the University, Gates said his dream is to become a millionaire at the age of 30. However, he became a millionaire at the age of 31.

In 1986, when Microsoft issued shares to the public for the first time at a price of USD 21 / share, Gates became a billionaire.

In 1992, Forbes announced Gates is the richest man in America with total assets of $ 6.3 billion.

In 1995, Gates became the richest man in the world - the title of which he maintained for 14 consecutive years (from 1995 to 2009), except that in 2008 he was ranked third in the world after two billionaire Warren Buffett (USA) and Caros Slim (Mexico).

Known as "Sir" when to the UK

If you are a football lover will definitely know the likes of Sir Alex Ferguson, Sir Bobby Charlton, there are people who have great Queen of England knighted and Bill Gates, too. May 3/2005, at age 48, Gates is Queen Elizabeth II conferred the honorary knight (KBE - Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire) for his contribution in reducing poverty and improving health health in developing countries. According to the statistical report, the world has 6 million lives were saved thanks to vaccines and health care programs by the Gates charity organizations.

Received his doctorate before graduating from college

Bill Gates left Harvard in 1975, when the new school year 2. After 32 years of dedication to the computer industry, dated 07/06/2007, Chairman of Microsoft came to the school where he dropout ago 30 years to get a bachelor's degree and an honorary doctorate in Law (LL.D) for the great contribution to the development of many of the world, especially in information technology.

What Everyone Not Knows About Billionaire Bill Gates 1

At the ceremony by Mr Derek Bok, who runs the ceremony, read the statement and then turned to comedy asked: "How do you win that title if two years trying to learn it?". Gate excitedly said: "Maybe next year I'll change job and now I'm glad I was able to write his degree on your resume."

He very rarely use Facebook

Although there are quite a close relationship and intimacy with young billionaire Mark Zuckerberg - tycoon facebook, but Bill Gates admitted that he was "very lazy on facebook" and often operate on Twitter. The main reason he gives is, "There are too many suggestions on social networks that I could not refuse. So the best way is my little use social networking."

Income taxes in the world's highest

The house of the king of software located on the area of ​​6,000 square meters, located between the hillside and a side of Lake Washington, near Seattle, worth about $ 120 million. Every year, billionaire Bill Gates to pay property taxes $ 1,036,409 for this luxury home.

Still dishwasher every night

In an interview with ABC Television, Australia, readers have asked Bill Gates that "Had he forgotten what the money is not only to leave for four children each have 10 million dollars?" Gates replied that he had lost the feeling with a lot of things in life.

"Long time I have not come weeding in the garden," he joked. "I forgot how it's feeling it. But every night I wash the dishes, make sure it's a good habit to maintain."

His desire immortality

What Everyone Not Knows About Billionaire Bill Gates 2

In an event to share, questions and answers with social network users Reddit, Bill Gates said the only thing on the list of things he wants to do before she died was "eternity".

Misjudge the situation spam on email

Viewed as a person with vision industry leader in mobile, but not always the prediction of Bill Gates is also accurate. Accordingly, in 2004, Bill Gates used to identify spam problem will soon be solved quickly just in time 2 years whereas now this problem ... still extremely sore.

Do not leave entire fortune to his children

Gates said he did not want to leave their children because he wanted too much money for the "freedom to choose his path will go". "I think children should grow up with a clear understanding that they have to create their own path, self chose to pursue their work. They want to know not just how much money was," Mr. said.

"I really think that leaving piles of money for you is bad for them, but not beneficial, especially if you look at our friends just see a pile of money, which themselves also have to look at his reflection Similar thinking ".

"In every great man there's always secretly very ordinary". Indeed this is true with Bill Gates, a billionaire, a great philanthropist and, above all, a husband, a father was very simple, normal.

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