How to Identify Targeting your website Audience

How to Identify Targeting your website Audience

   when you design a website or a blog that you would definitely have to have your own goals, but to make that goal also requires the help of readers, it is the loyal readers of you.
to maintain a return visit to your website, you need to understand what readers need in your website, then designing your new website to be effective.

   Whether you blog to inform, to entertain, to persuade or to provoke controversy, to have a successful blog you must identify your target audience and Let Your Audience’s Interests Guide Your Content Strategy .

   Visitors who find what they came for in your blog become subscribers, who will share links to posts with like-minded friends. The increase in traffic will send your stats on an upward climb.
Your goal is to become a long-term resource for these visitors. Your content must be interesting enough for them to find value in returning, and brief enough for them to absorb in short sittings. As you move forward with your content strategy, consider using audience demographics and responses to target reader issues, interests, and needs that really drive traffic.

Locating high quality similar sites is an important step to becoming a better blogger. But It’s also logical to assume that those who read your blog now are among your target audience.

What do I get out of it?

This is the question that crosses readers’ minds when they arrive at a new blog, whether it’s explicit or implicit. What do they get out of your blog? Can you demonstrate value for your followers, and do you deliver compelling content within a reliable timeframe?
Think about the questions that run through their minds as you build your blog and offer newsletter subscriptions. Is this a good use of their time? Will your content enrich their 

lives in some way?

If so, is your information valuable enough to get these readers to return? If you feel comfortable saying “yes” to these questions, then you’ve got a solid content foundation.
However, if you’re unsure about the role your blog might play in people’s lives, then you should reassess your content strategy. The first step is to look at your current audience demographics.

What do they tend to click on? Which articles do they ignore? The next step is obvious: shift your focus more toward the content that’s most successful. Make a list of blog topics to generate new, intriguing angles to your stories.
Location and peak times
If you’re living in a state in the eastern half of the US, you might be waking up early and assuming it’s a great time to post new articles. However, your West Coast readers are more likely to miss out on your new content, because they’re not awake yet.
If your readership is mostly in Europe, you’ll need to coordinate your post times with your demographics. Linking your blog up to analytics software will help you identify key locations of interest. Keep these areas in mind as you queue posts and schedule new content.

Get out of the browser and into their email
Email subscriptions significantly increase your odds of being read. Your organization’s branding will appear right in someone’s inbox. Think about how often people check their emails.
In fact, 60% of users under 45 prefer sharing via email over Facebook and 75% of users over the age of 45 favor email, according to a study conducted by Relevanza. You can hook attention to blog highlights in a newsletter, with a brief recap of the week’s top posts.

Readers can follow headline links directly to your blog and continue reading there. These email subscriptions can give you direct communication with your most loyal followers.
Communication patterns
Do your readers have a clear and easy way to communicate with you? What’s the comment functionality like on your web page? If your comments are moderated, how long does it take for you to approve a comment and reply to it?
If you send out a newsletter to blog readers, do you invite them to participate in the conversation on your website or social media page?
A simple request, such as “Click here to comment on this issue,” or “Please email me with your thoughts,” can open new channels of communication. Audience members who engage in personalized dialogue are likely to become faithful readers and promote your blog.

You can grow your audience awareness by tracking demographics, setting post schedules, building an email list, and facilitating dialogue. These tactics can pave the way to even greater blog success and growth. While there are many distractions connected with blogging, you should never take your focus away from your loyal audience.


The February 2013 Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project report shows that young adults are more likely than others to use major social media. At the same time, other groups are interested in different sites and services.
Internet users under 50 are particularly likely to use a social networking site of any kind, and those 18-29 are the most likely of any demographic cohort to do so (83%).
Women are more likely than men to be on these sites. Those living in urban settings are also significantly more likely than rural internet users to use social networking. To view a breakdown of social networking site use by age group, over time, please visit the social networking summary page.

In the July 2013 Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project report 6% of Online Adults are reddit Users  it’s reported that young men are especially likely to visit the “front page of the internet .” Some 15% of male internet users ages 18-29 say that they use reddit, compared with 5% of women in the same age range and 8% of men ages 30-49.  View Online or Download
In the August 2013 Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project report titled 72% of Online Adults are Social Networking Site Users the researchers also studied online adults’ use of Twitter. The percentage of internet users who are on Twitter has more than doubled since November 2010, currently at 18%. Internet users ages 18-29 are the most likely to use Twitter—30% of them now do so.
This research found that both teens and adults use Facebook the most of all social networking sites  94 percent of teens and 67 percent of adults. However, it’s adults that are more active on Pinterest and Instragram, while teens are more active on Twitter.  View Online or Download
In Social Media: Do You Know Where Your Target Audience Is? Heidi Cohen provides an overview of social media user data. Just over half of Twitter users are 35 or older, nearly 80% of LinkedIn users are 35 or older. Facebook and Twitter have more female users as only 40% are male, and 80% of Pinterest users are female.


   Your primary focus as a blogger is publishing original content targeted to appeal to a specific audience and presenting it in a manner that makes it readily and easily available through search engines.
If you don’t have a clear vision of who you are blogging for and where you want your blog to be, then it won’t be a success and you won’t be able to take your blog to the next level. That’s why knowing who your target audience is and knowing what your purpose is, are key to your blog’s success.
Write for your readers.  Know who your audience is and what they want to know, then give them what they want.
you can refer to the article: Ways To Encourage Visitors Back To Your Website to improve the efficiency of website design.
This article hopes his past will help you improve website content and enhance the amount of site visitors.
Wish you success.

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