Ways To Encourage Visitors Back To Your Website

    The immediate goal of the website is designed for you to have your site visitors crowded, and visitors have to go back east.
How do you make visitors come back to visit your website, which is the main contents of today.

Here are different ways to keep your visitors engage on your blog and I’m going to share the 10 useful ways to do so.
Approx. 96% of visitors that come to your website are not ready to buy no matter how great your services/products are. Sad truth, right?

Here are different ways to keep your visitors engage on your blog and I’m going to share the 10 useful ways to do so.
Approx. 96% of visitors that come to your website are not ready to buy no matter how great your services/products are. Sad truth, right?
When it comes to online businesses the key factor to make it a success is this: treat your customers as people.
Know your why factor. Without knowing who your target audiences are you are not going anywhere.
What’s the best way to retain your website visitors?
Create epic content. We all know that!
So instead of talking the ways to retain your website visitors we’ll discuss about the worst ways to encourage your visitors to immediately leave your website. Ready?
Let us start with each try it that way.

1. Simplified Website Navigation

The first thing that you should do is to simplify your website navigation. Most of your visitors will leave the website as soon as they find it difficult to navigate through it. Have a nice theme with easy navigation to solve this issue. A complicated web design will drive users away.
you should try it.

2. Website Logo and Tag Line

While Website logo and tagline will not keep your visitor on the blog for a long time but a good logo and tagline will encourage them to visit other sections of your website. This is really important for user engagement on blog.

3. make website load time slowed.

Did you know that upwards 40% people leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load?
visitors can save the address of your website.
Hands down, website speed is the key to online success. If your website loads insanely fast (less than 3 seconds), you’re definitely ahead of your competition. If not, look for the ways to boost your loading times.
How to speed up your WordPress sites?
Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
Though there are many ways to make your site loading time faster but the surefire way to speed up your WordPress sites is this: use the best CDN providers like MaxCDN.

MaxCDN is one of the most affordable and fastest CDN services on the market and is used by many professional bloggers.
Why use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)?
It speeds up your website by distributing the load. It often saves your website’s bandwidth and increases your search engine rankings. Top CDN providers like MaxCDN is used to host static resources such as your WordPress images, audios, infographics, videos, CSS and JavaScript files to boost your site’s loading time.
Free resources to check your website loading time.
Pingdom tools
PageSpeed insights
This can be a useful way.

4. Used for creating web pages messy.

“First impression is the best last impression”
Always remember the 5 seconds rule.
If someone lands on your website for the first time, what do you want them to do?
They should easily figure out what your site is all about within the first 5 seconds of their visit. If not, they are gone FOREVER. They’ll never return.
Take 5 seconds test to understand people’s first impressions of your website design.
If your website is cluttered, your visitors immediately click on the X button – take it for granted.
So make sure you’re using an  appealing website design either by hiring a skilled web designer or using premium themes like Genesis, Thesis etc.

5. Never listen to your “potential customer”

You need to assess common issues, should not look to the side that conclusion.
“100% of customers are people. 100% of employees are people. If you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business.” – Simon Sinek
Let me ask you a simple question – who is your key reader/customer?
If you don’t know who is your website for, you can never build a profitable online business. Sad truth!

Figure out your key reader, analyze their problems and frustrations and start creating solutions for them (via blog posts, videos or podcasts). It is the surefire way to become a success in your industry.

6. Use long blocks of text

You should not write the text is too short,what do most online people do? They SKIM!
People are busy (read it lazy).
They don’t have time to read each and every word on your sites. If you can’t convey what you’re producing within seconds – they don’t spend time in analyzing what your site is all about.
Same applies to your blog posts too.
They don’t want to read long blocks of boring text. Don’t use long blocks of text – break it into small chunks. If you do, they will immediately leave your website.
A good paragraph doesn’t contain more than 4 to 5 lines. As a rule of thumb, use 3 to 4 lines in your paragraphs to make it easy to skim through your blog posts.
so you can keep visitors on your site for long.

7. should not write compelling headlines.

Have your ever skimmed through Apple’s advertising headlines?
Their copywriters are damn good at writing captivating copy especially the headlines.
Observe any apple’s new product launch, their headlines all have one thing in common – “Short. Captivating. Message.”
Few Apple advertising headline samples:
iPad Air – The power of lightness.
iPhone 5S – Forward thinking.
MacBook Pro – More power behind every pixel.
How to create award winning headlines then?
Steal from others (you can always tweak them to your choice!)
Write how to posts and/or add numbers in your headlines.
Use headline hacks (written by Jon Morrow).

8. Promise Something At The End of The Post

You should promise something good to your readers at the end of the post. It is just like making sequels of a movie. People will come back to your blog if they know you will be posting something special on a given date.


The conclusion is simple. The longer your visitors stay on your site, the higher probability you have to make them buy your products or hire your services.
P.S: Avoid the above ways to retain visitors at your site longer. Do you have any more tips that will kill readership and conversion rates? Please do share them below, I’d love to hear from you!
If you will follow the above tips, you will definitely notice a positive change in your visitor’s engagement on the blog. If you have any tips, feel free to share with us through comments section below.
Wish you had more website visits.