How To Improve Your Blog Traffic

 How To Improve Your Blog Traffic
    Once you start blogging is often a daily visitor volume is very low, you often find ways to increase traffic, each person has a different way, this article I will share with you how to increase the amount of traffic naturally.
Blogging can be fun when your hardwork pays off. Its not those old times that you’ve to do all the work by yourself and wait for the result. Its the time that you automate everything on the handes of plugins and softwares and then wait for the result. Its all made easy with the technologies and it is what we call as SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
If you play smart by knowing what the search engines want and react to it efficiently, you might see your blog gaining more traffic on the way of blogging.
Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc., and its search algorithms work efficiently based on the blog’s performance and its content. Google’s search algorithm Penguin 2.0 filters fresh and updated content to the top searches and avoids spammy keywords. A lot has been changed since the rolling out of Penguin update.

The following are 6 tips will help you improve traffic

Tips 1: Fresh and Updated Content

every day you have to write a blog post, If you have been searching every other blogs that write about the tips for improving blog traffic, you might be familiar with the sentence ‘Content is King’. I found a beautiful infographics about ‘Content is King‘ on which explains everything . This is the first tip that every blogger will give for other bloggers. Yes, Offcourse Content is King. Currently considering the update of Google’s search algorithm at the end of may this year (2013) , you might have had spam changes with the traffic in your blog rankings and page views. It is mainly because of the freshness of the blog and its frequent updation of the pages.
Penguin Update filters the pages that are currently updated and the latest results are shown.

Tips 2: Keywords Search

Searching for the most used keywords is very easy when you’ve Google Webmaster, Adwords Tool. Search for keywords with the most impressions on your niche and try to use it in your posts where it suits. You can use those keywords anywhere in your blog. Also keep in mind that more usage of the same keywords or keywords that doesn’t suit the content are considered spammy.
Check for the keywords all by yourself via Google trends and you can find its correlation factor based on the months or years. This is neccessary to know what the readers are looking for. You’re to act like one and know what keywords you will google for something that you need in your niche.

Tips 3: About Page and Meta Tags

Meta tags are real useful SEO functioned tags. Even though it is not much of a SEO technique, it draws users to click to your link or page. This is where you give your blog description and the search engine lists your blog based on the description information. Without a proper description, it is difficult for search engines to index your blog among millions of blogs.
 <head><meta name=”description” content=”You can write your blog description here”></head>
About Page plays a substitute role for the meta tags and let the search engines index and ranks your blog among million other blogs on your niche.

Tips 4: encourage blogging

Guest blogging is a very good opportunity to lead your traffic to a new level and self-recognition in the field of blogging (your niche). Moreover, you’ll find your connections grow in a mass media of like minded professionals and gather more readers to your blog and more followers to your social media profiles too.
You also need to avoid these mistakes while Guest blogging in other blogs.

Tips 5: Backlinking

Backlinking is the linking back to your blog from anywhere on the internet. For example, you have a social media profile on Twitter and you add your blog to your twitter account and that makes you a  backlink from twitter to your blog. Backlinking can be achieved in many ways.
When you guest blog on other blogs, you’ll get a backlink to your blog.
Commenting on other blogs will let you add a backlink to your blog as easy as that provided you don’t spam!!.
Participating in communities, forums etc., and answering questions with solutions as well as backlinking to your blog.

Tips 6: Social Media Presence

Self-Promotion is the best word to put in here that explains everything that we share our blog posts via social media profiles. Social Media Presence is very important for the blog traffic. In other words for business, self-promoting can be called with respect as ‘Branding’. There’s no point in feeling shy or guilty of promoting your blog.
This is what we do best and this is what social medias are for. To improve your blog traffic and to get more recognition for your online business, it is necessary to keep your presence in social media and share with your followers frequently.
To make it work efficient, your blog must need atleast one social media profile in every networks. It creates a name that will automatically let people think of it as a brand. If you don’t have any seperate pages on social networks for your blog, better you link your personal profiles to your blog from where you share your posts. This will increase your referral traffic to a whole new level.
 With constant sharing and live on social profiles, you will gather more followers and readers to your blog as well.


Blogging will be a whole new experience if you start to make it SEO friendly. You’ll experience a change in your blog traffic no matter  its referral or direct or organic. Keep in mind that you write for humans and not for search engines and at the same time you’re making it SEO friendly too with proper content and strategies.
Good luck To You!

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