Ways to get your website on 1st page google search

Ways to get your website on 1st page google search

   Making up the top 1 site without google penalty is something that all interested webmatter
continuous updating existing google new algorithm if we do not grasp the content of this algorithm would be to google for backlist.

I will help your website 1st page in search engine according to Google panda, penguin recent rules and laws. so easy if you don’t work according to and don’t follow rules regulation of webmaster. Beside you must work hard otherwise you can’t get passion in search engine.
You can do all ways in here :

Ways to get your website on 1st page google search:

1. Quality content.

contents you must manually write, is not copied from the website non, posts non orientation "to user", the principle "content is king".
Content is king. Once time it was possible by creating huge backlinks but present time content is one of the great factors that your content is quality full or not. Recent time Google panda penguin gives more important on High Quality content.
Past time who are earn 500$ to 1000$, now they can’t do that. So you must understand the important of unique & quality full content.
There are some rules and regulation for posting, it is great 100% unique content with 500-600 words /characters.

2. Keyword Density.

keyword density just right not to overdo the keyword insertion.
Many bloggers face losses for over optimization of his blog. They think, by keyword staffing or follow other techniques they can improve his blog in Google search but it is false. By this way risk is greater than benefit. So you must follow keyword density rules and using Keyword Tools for choosing low competitive keyword with high tariff.

3. Guest Blogging.

Now many blogger don’t guest blogging but guest blogging is more essential for improve his blog in search result. So we should guest blogging in authentic sites.
What is the output of the Guest blogging? Guest blogging give feed back in two ways:
01. Good quality authentic backlinks, which is better for your sites
02. Get huge target visitor in your site.
04. High page rank backlink:
We create huge backlinks that are measure as spamming. So we must create high page rank backlink but in a legal way or naturally and give important on dofollow backlinks, because one dofollow backlink is better than 40 nofollow backlinks.
For creating high page rank backlink what we do?
guest blogging for links to their site, should not be spamming google penalty.
  • Social bookmarking.
  • Forum posting
  • Guest blogging
  • Link while
  • Relevant blog comment
  • RSS submission
  • Directory submission
   Many people use software for creating backlink but Google can identify that and it is harmful for your site so never buy backlinks .
When you create a new post try to create 4-7 high page rank dofollow authentic backlink on the basic of your post permalink.
To achieve the second highest position on your website must comply with the new rules in effect, wish you success.

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