Ways To Get Quality Backlinks

Ways To Get Quality Backlinks
Ways To Get Quality Backlinks

    Interested in promoting your web site to search engines? To do this will require many links around the internet pointing to (voting for) your site. There are many online to drop links, some are appropriate (general directories) some are not. The purpose of this "how to" it to explain what a quality link is and how to go about getting one.

Almost everyone who is running an online business would know about the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques, effectively the white-hat methods to bring their website to the top of the Google charts for their targeted keywords. As much as the on-page optimization is important for a website, backlinks are also equally important for determination of the ranks. When talking about the backlinks I do refer it to the volume of the backlinks and also the website or the PR (Page Rank) of the website from where your website is getting a link back.

   The primary question still remains about how to get back link to the website which are actually useful and effective in improving the ranks. The answer is that when you are planning for backlink building for a particular website, you should find the websites which are relevant to the niche of your website. Particularly speaking blog comments on relevant and do-follow blogs. Forum comment posting on relevant forums. Actively taking part in the discussions not just for backlinks but for branding also. This technique helps your rankings as well branding. Apart from this web 2.0 submissions which give you do follow backlinks to your website are also very effective and important.Some people do think that keyword stuffing in the on-page and just submitting the keywords and URLs to some directories and social bookmarking will bring it to the top 10 in google charts. But this is really very old school techniques which are no longer in action now.

   Back links are really cheap nowadays to buy but the point is to know where to get the quality backlinks and how to get the back link which is perfect and relevant to your website. So try the new techniques which does help your website get quality backlink which would get indexed by google and give your website the benefit it can.Blogging is also a great way to gain popularity but it still depends on the subject you choose and the way you represent it. You should be aware that the whole world would be reading your blog so it should be subjective and people should understand the concept behind the post. We here at Future Web Solutionz help people with an online business to build the brand reputation with latest powerful techniques prevalent today. We provide the perfect SEO solutions according to the business niche for the optimum results in short time.
And how do you get them to actually add your link…without bribing them with a guest post, link exchange or cash?

Ways To Get Quality Backlinks.

Case Study of The Moving Man Method in Action

Before I reveal the step-by-step plan that you can use to generate high quality backlinks to your site, I want to show you some real life results.
Using “The Moving Man Method” I recently scored links from…
A DA87 .edu site:
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High Domain Authority Link
A PA81 resource page:

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Resource Page Link
And several contextual links from relevant sites in the SEO and online marketing space, like this:
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Contextual Link
And this:
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Link To My Site
As this point you’re probably wondering, “How can I use this strategy to get more search engine traffic for my site?”

The Step-By-Step System for Landing High Quality Backlinks With The Moving Man Method.

There are 3 simple steps to follow to take advantage of “The Moving Man Method”.

Step 1: Find sites or resources that have changed names, shut down, or moved.

Step 2: Find sites linking to the old page.

Step 3: Give them a heads up about their outdated link.

And you’re set.
Now it’s time to break down each step in detail.

Step 1: Find Outdated Resources

Your first step is to find sites in your industry that have:
  • Changed names
  • Moved to a new URL
  • Stopped offering a service
  • Stopped updating a resource
  • Shut down
How about an example?
You probably heard that SEOMoz recently changed their name to Moz (and moved their site from SEOmoz.org to Moz.com ):
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After I heard the news, I realized that this was a PERFECT opportunity to reach out to the hundreds of sites still linking to the old, SEOMoz.org URLs.

Wait, How Is This Different Than Broken Link Building?”

For one, the links aren’t actually broken.
For example, if you run a broken link checking program like Check My Links  on an old SEOMoz.org link, it shows up as working:

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Links to SEOMoz.orgSure, that SEOMoz.org link IS technically working (it redirects to Moz.com)…
…but  the link points to the old URL and the anchor text has the site’s old name. Which means it’s out of date.
I also executed this same strategy with Blue Glass, an SEO agency that shut their doors a few months back .
Even though their site doesn’t have any content (except a “for sale” page):
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Check My Links doesn’t mark links to Blue Glass as broken (broken links are in red):

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Broken Link Check
While the essence of the strategy might be similar to broken link building, this twist allows you to find HUNDREDS of link building opportunities that the tools miss.

How To Find Moving Man Opportunities.

There are a two simple ways to find outdated resources that you can tap into:

1. Keep an eye out for sites in your industry that rebrand or change names.

As you probably know, SEOMoz wasn’t the first company in the history of business to rebrand…
…and they won’t be the last.
In fact, dozens of businesses change their name or move to a new domain every single day.
For example, I just did a quick search for “health rebrand” in PRWeb  (most businesses announce their name change using a press release):

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And found this press release:
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Sure enough, the health center’s old URL has a nice dofollow link from Idaho.gov:
Backlink from a.gov Site.

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You can also use the same process at Google News .

For example, I just did a quick search for “rebands as” in Google News:
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And found dozens of businesses that recently rebranded with a new name or moved to a new URL.
Including sites in the insurance and finance space:

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The tech and mobile industry:
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And the marketing niche:
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As you can see, this strategy works no matter what industry you happen to be in (even a “boring” one).

2. Use search strings to find site features that no longer exist.

Sometimes — for one reason or another — a business shuts down a feature on their site (like Google recently did with Google Reader ).

And some of these features used to be REALLY popular back in their heyday…
…which means they accumulated a lot of backlinks from authority sites.
But instead of deleting the page that hosted the service…businesses tend to set up a “service no longer available” page like this:

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Service No Longer Available
Which means you can search for them :-)
Here are some search strings that you can use:
  • “service not available”
  • “page no longer exists”
  • “this website is no longer updated”
  • “this page is no longer updated”
  • “no longer available”
  • “website closed”
  • “service no longer available”
To show you how easy and powerful this technique is, I just did a 2-minute Google search for “this page no longer exists”:
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And found this PA47 page from Michigan State University:

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This page — and the other pages that used to be on this subdomain — have authority backlinks from:
  • Wikipedia
  • About.com
  • EPA.gov
  • And a handful of authoritative .edu and .gov sites.
Again, when you use a broken link checker on links to that page, they show up as working…
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…even though, as you saw, the resource is long gone.
How can you squeeze the most SEO value from these outdated resources?
Keep reading.

Step 2: Find Sites Linking to the Old Resource.

This step is important:
Now that you’ve found a site that recently re-branded or a site feature that’s no longer there, it’s time to find the links pointing to that page.
Just grab the URL of the outdated resource and put it into your backlink checking tool of choice (I’m using ahrefs in this example):
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And export all of the backlinks pointing to that page or site to an Excel spreadsheet or Google Doc:
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When you do, you’ll have a spreadsheet with fistfuls of link opportunities:
Link Opportunities
Once you have your link opportunities in hand, it’s time to be a Moving Man :-)

Step 3: Reach Out and Get Your Links.

   Your last step is to reach out to all of the people that still link to the outdated resource.
You want to give them a quick heads up about their outdated link…and gently suggest that they add your link to their site.
I tested a few different outreach email scripts for my Moz/BlueGlass campaign. Here’s the one that worked best:

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And because I added value to their site twice — once from the heads up about their outdated link and again by showing them my valuable resource — people were more than happy to add my link to their page:

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Tips Get Qualyty Backlinks.
  • Social Bookmarking websites are great way to get backlinks, the top page ranked social bookmarking websites that set your backlinks as a Do Follow backlinks are the ones that you should use to build your backlinks.
  • Anchor text (this is the text that is clickable) should be as descriptive as possible which include your targeted keywords. Avoid "click here" type language at all costs.
  • Themed forums can be found by searching for your desired keyword then adding "forum" to the end. (ex [1] "construction forum" for instance)
  • If you don't have any niche directories to submit to and cannot find a forum that is themed towards your niche, you can still take advantage of unique content by submitting to a directory that lets you edit the contents of the page. By writing themed content that surrounds your link, search engines better understand what your site is about.
  • Try submitting to niche directories first as your best links will come from sites that are themed with the same content yours is.
  • Write original content for your descriptions and titles. By doing this you will avoid any duplicate content penalty that might get enforced in the future.
 Good Luck To You!

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