Ways To Find The Top .Gov Sites Or Forums?

Ways To Find The Top .Gov Sites Or Forums

   As you know a backlink is an indispensable component for the site, put your website on top of google, especially Back-linking on top .Gov and .Edu sites or forums most advantageous for creating quality backlinks to your sites, which helps your site to get high Page Rank (PR) and get more and more quality traffic. So i have presented here list of some footprints of search engine for searching top .edu forums or sites. You can copy and paste these search terms on any search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo search one by one and can get the list the top .edu sites. You can use them to register on the forum or create a profile and can post your answer on the related topic or thread on the forum.

Go to google and search for the following keywords:
  1. site:.gov "forums register"
  2. site:.gov "discussion board register"
  3. site:.gov "bulletin board register"
  4. site:.gov "message board register"
  5. site:.gov "phpbb register forum"
  6. site:.gov "forum signup"
  7. site:.gov "vbulletin forum signup"
  8. site:.gov "SMF register forum"
  9. site:.gov "register forum Please"
  10. site:.gov "forums – Registration Agreement"
  11. site:.gov "forum In order to proceed, you must agree with the following rules:"
  12. site:.gov "forum register I have read, and agree to abide by the"
  13. site:.gov "You cannot post new topics in this forum"
  14. site:.gov "proudly powered by bbPress"
  15. site:.gov "bb-login.php"
  16. site:.gov "bbpress topic.php"
  17. site:.gov "BB code is On"
  18. site:.gov "Similar Threads"
  19. site:.gov "Hot thread with no new posts"
  20. site:.gov "Thread is closed"
  21. site:.gov "There are" "users currently browsing forums."
  22. site:.gov "forums post thread"
  23. site:.gov "forums new topic"
  24. site:.gov "forums view thread"
  25. site:.gov "forums new replies"
  26. site:.gov "forum post thread"
  27. site:.gov "forum new topic"
  28. site:.gov "forum view thread"
  29. site:.gov "forum new replies"
  30. site:.gov "add topic"
  31. site:.gov "new topic"
  32. site:.gov "view topic forum"
  33. site:.gov "add message"
  34. site:.gov "send message"
  35. site:.gov "post new topic"
  36. site:.gov "new thread forum"
  37. site:.gov "send thread forum"
  38. site:.gov "VBulletin forum"
  39. site:.gov "Currently Active Users:" "members and" guests
  40. site:.gov "Forums Posting Statistics Newest Member"
  41. site:.gov "Users active in past 30 minutes"
  42. site:.gov "Most Online Today Most Online Ever Forums"
  43. site:.gov "list.php"
  44. site:.gov "post.php"
  45. site:.gov "profile.php"
  46. site:.gov "thread"
  47. site:.gov "topic"
  48. site:.gov "cgi-bin/forum/"
  49. site:.gov "/forumdisplay.php?"
  50. site:.gov "/misc.php?action"
  51. site:.gov "member.php?action="
  52. site:.gov "act=login&func=register"
  53. site:.gov "newthread.php?"
  54. site:.gov "newreply.php?"
  55. site:.gov "/phorum/"
  56. site:.gov "phorum/list.php"
  57. site:.gov "this forum is powered by phorum"
  58. site:.gov "phorum/posting.php"
  59. site:.gov "phorum/register.php"
  60. "index.php?a=register"
  61. site:.gov "powered by seo-board"
  62. site:.gov "newthread.php?do=newthread"
  63. site:.gov "forum.php?req=register"
  64. site:.gov "community/index.php"
  65. site:.gov "community/forum.php?"
  66. site:.gov "community/register.php"
  67. site:.gov "register.aspx"
  68. site:.gov "post/?type"
  69. site:.gov "action=display&thread"
  70. site:.gov "free to register"
I have listed here some examples of search terms you can use to find out Top .edu forums or sites. You can create other more search terms like the above examples by yourself. If you have any problem for that, feel free to mention that on the comment session.

Wish You Success!

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