Ways To Fix The Algorithm Of Google

Ways To Fix The Algorithm Of Google

  The new algorithm update google is always an  concern issue of  webmatter, after a new phase of google algorithm update it often with major changes in top rankings on google website.
There are several website names would be lost in the google search engine, but  the webmatter does not know that the reason, therefore technewonline.com will share for you some information about the importance of google algorithm and how to fix , was fined for google website, your blog.

As you know, google is increasingly difficult in website SEO accounts, the algorithm regularly updated and more user oriented.
if you want your keywords to the top of google, that go spam, making massive backlink will be one day, your keywords will be missing from google. At that time, you do not say is not understood why.

Google increasingly complete, true towards your service providers by the amount of real conment click site customers for your website. So before you want your website on top google quickly that hold long positions, high value, first convert you to complete your service provider for the good.
Here I would like to list some algorithm of google as well as penalties for your website to prevent abuse of your Seo.

1. Panda Algorithm:

Algorithms for content articles

This algorithm first official update on 24/2/2011 times, to the moment Google Panda update to version 24. This algorithm was only intended to penalize websites or website content garbage duplicate content.
 when you search for a keyword of your site but content is not appropriate, or too sketchy, or copy content from many other places, repeated many times, then your website will be certainly google panda penalty.

If your keyword is lagging dance or sudden, may be lost in the google search list, it means that you have to blacklist web

Google Panda Recovery.

Measures to avoid this algorithm is to build a good content, not copying other articles, not duplicate other posts
The tab meta, title, content should also have their differences, you can use the tool of google webmaster.
tools to check and fix these errors.

2 . Penguin algorithm :
Ways To Fix The Algorithm Of Google 1
Algorithm for Backlinks.

This algorithm 1st official update on 04/24/2012, at this point Google Penguin is preparing to update to version 6.

This algorithm birth to penalize sites have quality backlinks are considered spam . Spam backlink, backlink is placed in the page content is not good, prohibited content, unhealthy, or too many backlinks in one page , not diversify anchor text , increase the number of backlinks pointing too fast

Google Penguin Recovery.

To overcome this , we need to diversify anchor text , control the number of backlinks pointing to website, removing bad backlinks ( google webmastertool have this function .) You can use this tool to check block bad link your website or use some website like https://ahrefs.com test to test backlink.
should search for website quality backlink sources, backlinks from sites related content.

3 . Google Sandbox:
Ways To Fix The Algorithm Of Google 2
The penalty for websites suspected of growth.
Algorithm was launched in 2005 . Google Sandbox filter the website, link below 3 months of age. The website or the link under 3 months of age and so suddenly developed such a large amount of content update and increase the amount of backlinks pointing to a sudden .... Google Sandbox is easily penalty. The site is located in the Sandbox is website  Google  accusations for growth.

Signs if Google Sandbox : this algorithm to filter by keyword and follow the link, with 1 links but the keywords are keywords penalty and another does not. Signs of search algorithms are constantly reminded of how many page not found tag, and the link is still in the index, and search keywords found.

Recovery Google Sandbox

Build good content , handling problems on the website duplication, removing the link do not quality, instead associated with high pagerank websites, high trust level and reputation .
Then you send email to google review.

4 . Zebra Algorithm:
Ways To Fix The Algorithm Of Google 3
The algorithm zebras.

This algorithm was officially announced on 3/ 2013, here are algorithms for social networking.
With the development trend of social networking as today, the abuse of G+, Facebook , tweet, or 1 number of other social networking,  google to give 1 other algorithms, algorithms Zebra.
This algorithm type in the website much spam on social networks such forms of spam links conmen others on the team do not have spam related content, post too many links on an account in time short , abuse of social bookmarking , social networking accounts are not real .

The Fix :

You have to build a social network account very standardized , full information , involvement share on social networks , so sharing links takes time and consistent quality, build community networks Assembly healthy.

5. Google Blacklist:
Ways To Fix The Algorithm Of Google 4

Blacklisted by google
Google backlist is blacklisted by google google which contains the website is to be spam, contain bad information.
If your website on a fine day suddenly disappeared from google, looking for all the information about your site totally wiped out, it means your site is already in the list google backlist.
How best to check first coppy any links in your site and then paste into the google search box displays the correct link if you do not stick the black list, by contrast, it means that your site has been on the list book blacklist.

How to fix Google Blacklist:

When you stick the google website backlist , means that now you will have to redo it from scratch, to seo website from scratch, so try to avoid is the best thing.
First you have to remove all the bad backlink.

find and remove bad links down . Rebuilding Site content, quality content updated regularly on the site. Then again backlinks in high PR pages to increase web Trustrank for you.

Was conducted submit links to web directories backlist . Send the link manually to get the google backlist with the following link : http://google.com/addurl

  Finally the most important part in Google Webmaster Site you will see links reconsideration . After clicking you will see instructions for required review of your website. Please send your letter to Google just begged and begged to specify the development of your site, please Google taken off the blacklist.

Generally no longer the land for more spamer, we need to create value to the website more user.

Good Luck To You!

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