Ways To Increase Traffic To Website Most Effective

Ways To Increase Traffic To Website Most Effective

   When you design a website, we usually think of is how his website a day getting hundreds of thousands traffic from google. It is the desire of many webmatter.
today's google algorithm change continuously, spam is not a good solution for websites.

Undoudebtly The great way to increase blog traffic It is Google search engine. Because A lot of websites have gotten more than a thousand visitors from Google search engine. But day by day Google’s term and condition has more difficult. A couple of days ago this is not so fact that to get a good page rank in Google. After updating Google panda and penguin to get a good position in Goole it’s so difficult. In that case amateur bloggers are suffering most. But who are professional blogger they have also suffers to update Google panda and penguin. Once upon a time they can easily get position in Google first page but now it’s too difficult.

   The principle of priority from Goole is "Content Is King" But in that case some bloggers can’t follow it properly. Moreover, The content lack of its proper care it’s won’t get good position in Google. As for an example if you keep with Oxygen and Hydrogen in a hundred years but water will not create. If don’t have any proper care. Like that situation of content. If you can’t properly optimized your content then you can’t get a good position. Actually I just wanted to mean that, Although you have qualityful content but without so you can’t able to increase website traffic. Now, It’s not so easy to do proper SEO ( without professional ). If you do SEO without following of Google panda and penguin rules then you will be banned from google.
So you need to create a different content exclusive unlike other websites.

   Some of the popular blog / website is getting lost there good traffic and rank for update of Google and penguin. So it’s clear that,  To increase website traffic from depending on the Goole search is still a few sensible. So, you should not give priority just Google you should give priority the other medium of increase website traffic. Sometimes we feel pain for an indexing google. In that case, If you follow the existing traffic sources described below, you will not be disappointed.

1. Social Media Marketing :
Ways To Increase Traffic To Website Most Effective 1
   The present time most of the people depending on the modern communication system. That means they chose Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Pinterest, myspace and so on social networking website as their communication medium. By this opportunity you can increase website traffic  from this networking website. You can get a lot of traffic in this way without google indexing. Moreover, The social bookmarking website can be your top source to increase website traffic. Many bloggers who got a lot of traffic from Stumbleupon, Digg, reddit, Facebook, Google plus it’s a really great thing. Otherwise if you got banned from Goole then no problem to get more traffic in that way.

To get a social marketing website list you can see the post :

Some list of social networking website:


To get a social bookmarking website list you can see the post :

Some list of social bookmarking website:

2.Guest Blogging :
Ways To Increase Traffic To Website Most Effective 2
  Guest blogging will be the best way to increase website traffic. Guest blogging will not only give you more popularity as like as you will get a lot of traffic. You can get some fan of your blog who will be visiting regularly in your blog with guest blogging. If you want to do guest blogging then you can choose popular platform who has a lot of traffic and good page rank. You can also choose not so popular blog for guest blogging because when the blog will be more popular than you can be most attractions in this blog and by this purpose you will get a lot of traffic. By this way you can be getting the chance to pay a blogger.  To get popular blogging site search in Google.

3. Commenting: 

  Commenting also a best way to get more traffic and Dofollow backlink. You can use your website link in different blog commenting site.remember that Your comment should not be spam. Try to related comment all  time. When you will do comment that time use your website in the box on the website it will be used as anchor text. Moreover who are used comment love you can get a lot of traffic from this website.

4. YouTube/Video Blogging:
Ways To Increase Traffic To Website Most Effective 4

   With a little strategic way, you can be a great sources of blog traffic. The world best video sharing website is YouTube. By creating  channels on YouTube if you can increase your video view then you can increase blog traffic easily. Because if your channel will be favorite then you can use your website link in the video and that way you will get a lot of traffic. Someone can’t believe that get lots of traffic from YouTube it’s so difficult but I believe that from YouTube it’s too easy to get a lot of traffic. You can post a video tutorial on YouTube when your channel will be popular then you will get a lot of traffic by using in your website link into the video.

Some video sharing website link:


5. Forum Marketing: 
Ways To Increase Traffic To Website Most Effective 5
   The often seen in forum that some topics to be discussed at the forum. You can join this discussion and get good quality traffic. You can also use your website link in forum signature. Which topics you  know better try to discuss that topic. Increase your reputation in forum site by related and unique comment and that way you will get more blog traffic.

Some forum website link:


6. Link exchange:

  Try to communicate with the owner of a blog which have good rank or traffic for link exchange. Because you can easily able to increase website traffic by link exchanging. When you will do link exchanging that time you should follow the blog have good traffic or not where your soil link they will be kept.

7. Make your blog Dofollow:

   Some can’t do that but if you want to get more traffic that you have to do that. By making your blog Do follow you can get also good rank in Alexa more over some website can be included in dofollow site list and for that you will get  a lot of traffic. Someone can tell you that increasing your spacing when someone will do spanning that time if you won’t approve that think it’s ok.

8. Arrange A Competition :

   If you want to increase website traffic then you have to arrange competition sometimes as like guest blogging contest, commenting contest, etc. You can keep an interesting prize as gift of competition.
If you follow these all tips then it’s not so difficult to increase blog traffic. Keep with us to get more post about blogging. 

Wish You Success!

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