Ways To Copy The Article In Seo Website

Ways To Copy The Article In Seo Website

   SEO process depends very much on the website has a good content.
These good articles  or valuable traffic  will help you get more traffic and faster index.

The contents copied and posted on the web of his is that work, much seo copywriter when used regularly. Due to the fact not everyone is capable of cutting wind, writing daily. And there are a lot of posts talking about copying articles will reduced rank, copy article will not good, copy the citation to the article ...
Actually copy the article can still help you improve your website rankings. And SEO normally, important that you  would do to copy the article without being considered to be copied post.

   The most important trick is to copy good article disturbance article. edit articles for other real, real good. So what you need to edit the original post to not be considered a copy.
And if you regularly copy the article in this way, you can get a very abundant site without fear of  google penalty.

1. You Must Change The Title And Articles Desciption.

It is the most important factors in fixing other people's posts. Because google keyword classification on the search engines through title, descriptions. If you post content, different title than the original article, you still have many opportunities to articles appearing on the search engines with your new title.

So with the new title will understand google is your SEO content for a different keyword.
And if you still keep the old  the article title google will know immediately where the original article and make sure that the copy will not be able to pass the original article.

Normally rewrite the title will be easier with description description because most often associated with original content , you will be vulnerable cleverly written not repeat the old description. So try to change the description so that proper seo and content should also be different by 60 % compared with the original description.

2. Changes Pictures And Videos Clip In The Article.

As we know google has a smart search system for both photos and Videos. Sometimes there are large advertisers, SEO just picture them to reach customers, and Google is smart enough to understand that the image of the original article is the first image.
Therefore, to avoid being considered a steal posts, then use another image, another link will be the smartest way to fool google.

3. Make Some Changes To Content. 

   Of course that if you like all your content is detected right as copy content.
And one thing that is extremely important not to try to convert the position of each paragraph, because doing so is still the overall content of the original document, you need to do is change the content of each paragraph it would be better.
  • Write a better article for older posts, to avoid redundant content.
  • Add the comment section of each individual post content 
  • You can change the exclamation questions, comments or general questions.
  • Change the image and takes the same photo also space to store Profile, look for ways to replace it before putting it into the article offline
  • Insert the keyword density in the article should be changed and changed a bit of keyword anchor text on your new content.
  • Rewrite the TAGs and the keywords meta tag for safety.
  • With my own experience, the " Text content " of the article # with " Text content " of about 70 % is safe.
  • Do not forget to delete the original HTML of the article before posting it on his blog offline.
4. Add Comments Each paragraph In The Article.

   To avoid being compared to the overall content with the original article.
You should write more comments, or share your post will add rich content and coherence between the new and the content you share.

5. If You Have Time Make More Changes In The Post Meta Tab.

   For example: The original article using the tab <b> <strong> tab you can replace it <h3> <h2> card because of google search systems mostly use html tags to articles that analyze onpage .
Wish you success when seo website.

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