Increase Speed Battery Charger For Smartphone

Increase speed battery charger for smartphone 0
    Many users encounter case charge the battery for smartphone loss quite a long time, sometimes longer than normal. These tips can help in all battery chargers for smartphones faster without having to replace the battery when not needed.

Turn off or change the connection settings

   When the network connection such as 3G or Wi - Fi is turned on while the battery is charging, the phone will immediately seek continuous network connection or trying to mark the location of the GPS users. But if you turn off the connection, the phone's battery will not have to spend more to do this and will charging more quickly than. However, other choices that users can switch the device to Airplane Mode mode to speed up the charging process, course should stop using the phone while charging the battery, because the screen is the most battery consuming reasons.
Increase speed battery charger for smartphone
   However, when switching to Airplane Mode, it will not receive calls from any phone number, to overcome this phenomenon, ensuring mobile network connection is enabled and turn off all the elsewhere, especially 3G data connection . Of course an indispensable factor is reducing the screen brightness to the lowest level or ensure the screen is off as long as possible.

Use the correct cables and chargers

All chargers for smartphones will be detailed information, but the most notable is the voltage of the charger, the usual voltage of the charger for smartphones only in the range of 5.0V to 1A.
Increase speed battery charger for smartphone 1
So if the charger has a higher amperage 1A should not worry because the phone will still be charged the normal rate but will charge faster. If the amperage of the charger 1A record lower, slower phone charger. Although this rule is not always true in every type of smartphone before, but true to most smartphones to be released in the last few years. Another factor is the need to use the right kind of computer charging cable comes with the charger.

Charging directly from the power source and should not be charged via USB
Increase speed battery charger for smartphone 2
   Most smartphones come with USB cable, this cable just to transfer data from phone to computer and vice versa, but can also be used to charge your phone through the USB port, especially laptops. But the battery charge rate will be much slower than the direct charging from the mains because:

Each Power adapters for charging using the USB port usually has a intensity of about 0.5A, so that the charging time will be longer than Power adapters intensity 1A. Even USB 3.0 ports also have a maximum rate of up to 0.9A, but rarely achieve real intensity so.

If you connect iPhone to your Mac, it will start synchronization immediately, and this is cause for slower phone charger.
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Take the phone out of the shell and put in a cool place.

   When you use can not take the phone from the shell, but if the phone charger, unplug the phone from the shell is essential because it will help charge the phone faster. Because of smartphone battery is lithium-ion batteries, This battery has a simple principle that is cooler than the batteries ability to better use.
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   So take the phone out of the shell will help the phone's temperature and thus lower battery charging faster. Of course nobody phone charger that puts the phone in place direct sunlight shines on machines and battery making it heats up from the more prolonged charging time.

Wish you success.

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