Linux Is The Perfect Choice To Replace Windows XP

Linux Is The Perfect Choice To Replace Windows XP

Why say Linux is perfect replacement for Windows XP?

  On 08 / 04 is the last day that Microsoft officially stopped supporting Windows XP, the operating system "myth " is used most in the world. And so, Windows XP will absolutely not get any further fixes from Microsoft.
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Therefore, if you want peace of mind in using the computer, you must buy yourself a new version of the operating system or a new computer than - or simply use the Linux operating system replacement Windows XP.

Why choose Linux ?

   Not everyone is choosing Linux, if you are a business or businesses using software tools that run on Windows XP, you still have to use Windows XP.

If you use the computer for personal purposes and quite satisfied with the current hardware configuration - which runs quite well with Windows XP - Linux is the choice that you should switch to after Windows XP is death.

Most of the basic problems using computers on Windows XP on Linux are met. You will have Google Chrome, Firefox, Dropbox, ... and even the use of online services from Microsoft Office such as Office Online.
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   ITunes does not support Linux yet, but you can find to replace it with Spotify, Rdio, and Pandora. Another interesting thing is that Skype also has a version for Linux already! With abundant storage and software is provided free of charge, you will probably feel full when switched to Linux.

The operating system open source and free.

   The installation and use of Linux is completely free, you do not need to pay any other fees to use. Besides Linux has been updated and quite crowded supported by the developers.
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Due to the open source should be pretty much the distributions are " adapted " to the interface and features. For example, if you like OS X, you can use elementary OS, or Ubuntu if you want more simple to use.

May direct the trial before deciding to install

   Another feature that makes everyone enjoy Linux is that it allows users to experience the interface, features and how it works directly from the DVD / USB install. Despite the slower performance but also enough for you overview about Linux.

It can be installed directly on Windows XP as a software

   Linux can be installed directly from Windows XP as a normal software, and as such, you can use the two parallel operating systems with ease.

   In addition, Vietnamese is also one of the main languages ​​are built- in Linux. Vietnam and the Linux community is very large, most of your questions will be answered are Linux specific and easy, it is important to you thanks to the help of Google rightly so.
Wish You Success.

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