Copyright War Between Apple And Samsung

Copyright War Between Apple And Samsung

The legal battle between Samsung and Apple has come back tension.

Courts in California, the U.S. force has ruled Samsung must pay Apple U.S. $119.625 million for violating two patents. In contrast, Apple had to spend $158,400 to pay for Samsung with 1 single copyright.

Samsung has willfully violated 2 digital rights '647 and '721. '647 Patent talking about moving the content address and phone number of the paths to be able to manipulate ( quick links ). '721 And talk about features sliding to unlock.

Copyright War Between Apple And Samsung 1                      Samsung piracy 'Slide to Unlock' and 'Quick Links'

    Meanwhile, Apple have 3 samples iPhone  and 2 samples iPod accused of violating patents '449 : features related to viewing in the gallery, and '239 : the transmission of video content via email. However, some copyright was rejected '239, '449 there is no deliberate action.

 This result exceeded the expectations of the two firms previously. Samsung has spent 119.6 million dollars for Apple ( Apple amount previously required $ 2.2 billion ), while Apple to pay $158.400 ( less than U.S. $6.2 billion according to the wishes of Samsung ). The jury consists of eight members, and to answer 245 questions about 12 pages long.
Copyright War Between Apple And Samsung 2 
                                 In this case, Samsung is still the guys 'winning'

    Although to pay Apple was not small amount of money, but this could be a good news for Samsung. Exceeded the original amount given of Apple, Samsung meant very little violated Apple's patents, Apple was even a violation of its patents.

But this is not the final result, the two sides are still appeals rights.

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