EBay Hacked, Should Change Your Password Fast

EBay Hacked, Should Change Your Password Fast

   Online auction site eBay has been hacked and hackers take away much information user accounts. eBay recommends that users need to change the account password even stolen passwords were encrypted.

   EBay Survey said the attack took place from the end of February or in March last. Many phone numbers and addresses were stolen but not showing any signs of credit card information or other financial information is fake. Thankfully, the value of this information is stored on a separate server to another.

" PayPal's customer data is safe because it is encrypted and stored on a separate secure network", notified eBay. The company also require users to change passwords for other sites and services of eBay if shared account password with eBay.

   Currently, eBay has yet to be determined hacker attacks using any method. Everything is still under investigation as well. Related to this, users need to be on high alert for phishing tricks via e - mail request to share or disclose personal information.

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