Ways To Protect Personal Data From Hackers

Ways To Protect Personal Data From Hackers
   From eBay 's case may have noticed, are not organization also a good way to protect personal data of customers. Personal data and financial information may become targets of cybercriminals. What to do to protect personal data against attack by cybercriminals ?

   Ebay is said to be just undergone a major cyber attack in history. The attacker unauthorized access to the company network and a database including customer personal postal address , date of birth , and phone number of the millions of people around the world. eBay has not confirmed the information about the financial and personal data stolen value.

The security expert said that each person ask yourself  "care" grab your personal data. However, personal password, you can change often, but you can not change the address, phone number, name, date of birth is. Although all organizations around the world are holding any kind of personal information or financial must encode them many times. From the case of eBay can be seen, not how well organized the best way to protect the personal data of customers. Personal data and financial information may become targets of cybercriminals. What to do to protect personal data against attack ?

Ways To Protect Personal Data From Hackers 1Provide The Minimum Information

   The best way and easiest protect is not taken to any personal information online. If required to do this are provided only minimal. But why a company that provides Internet services need to know where you live or your phone number ? Is all the information they require that you provide really need them or they do not become prey of fat by cybercriminals. Better to avoid providing detailed personal information with valuable services high risk.

No Credit Card Details With Every Store

   Details credit card is one of the most valuable that you own and that is one of the most important goals of any network crime will want to target. Therefore, you should consider using the secure payment form other details before providing your credit card. To not have to provide credit card details, you can use some fiduciary services online payment by banks in the country and the world, there are a number of applications such as PayPal, Google Wallet and V. Visa me ... ( PayPal is owned by eBay, but not affected by the illegal intrusion of hackers ). These organizations are making sure security measures for the database, and apply strong passwords with two-factor authentication.

Not Provide Detailed Postal Address

   When someone sends you a parcel and require you to provide your home address, you can ignore some important factors. For example, you are living in one apartment building consisting of many different, can you provide details of the building, but did not provide his room.

Using An Alternate Phone Number

   Many service providers today require that you provide your phone number to verify your identity to prevent fraud cases. If you give them the phone number that you use frequently, can lead to the call junk or phishing attacks. So, rather than give them the phone number they can consider them a secondary number. In case there is only one phone number, you can use call barring service to some of the strange network.

Do Not Declare Full Name

   Providing full name is not necessary when the transactions over the Internet. If there are service providers that require you to declare your full name, you can use a fake name, nickname or arranged into a mess based on his real name. By doing this, hackers will never understand the official information and steal your identity.

You Can Be The New Kid 3 Old

   Many sites and services require you to supply your date of birth to determine the regular of your age. But not like this because you have to provide them with real numbers. The provision of birth is one of the most important parts of personal information to verify your identity for banks and financial services, so need to be protected. Can provide false birth for less critical services, can even change the number of digits in sequence very well enough to prevent hackers use to access your bank account. However, absolute way to apply this to the problem of security.

Use Multiple Email Addresses

Ways To Protect Personal Data From Hackers 2   Most services allow users to reset the password or regain access to the locked account using an email address for verification.

   But if a hacker can access your email account, they have access to any services that you've used this email account for transactions and retrieve lost login information. And maybe there will be a confirmation email from the service provider somewhere buried in your inbox. From this email, the hacker will email require a service provider to reset the password and then they will entirely control mailbox. 

   Currently, there are a number of email service allows you to create disposable email addresses and relatively easy to manage, for example eBay.yourname @ emailprovider.co.uk or paypal.yourname ... Unfortunately, if these accounts compromised, you can remove it and create a new one. But with the financial services, banking you must use a highly secure email.

The Secret Question

   Many sites and services require customers to answer the secret question as" first teacher in your life is? Mother's maiden name What is your ? Pet What is your first ? " ... To verify identity. Wherever possible, choose and write yourself a secret question, the answer to that question is the key for service. This solution is being deployed multiple sites and your answers are encrypted. If hackers obtain information databases, it is difficult to decipher the answer. Most hackers trying to find answers to the password or attacks on many different sites, which is why you should not use an email address for a variety of different services.

Use A Password Manager Software

   On the Internet, most of the sites, often accompanied forum account creation and login password to be able to fully use the features of it. To complicate matters, here is how the user can remember all your passwords and account services, while not able to use one account for all services.

To ensure safety, you have to find the password manager like LastPass or 1Password safe. The vast majority of password management service will provide much better way to access various information through a mobile application, website or forum ... with multiple layers of security including authentication two factors. 

   You can put all your passwords in one database, and lock with the primary key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best encryption algorithm and safest currently known.

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