Ways To Fix Apple's IMessage

   You 've switched from the iPhone to a device running Android or Windows Phone devices but can not use the new service SMS or MMS anymore. What can I do here ?

Recently, Apple received criticism for errors not receive text messages of users switching from iPhone to Android or Windows Phone devices but numbers remain the same. In fact, this problem has arisen since the end of 2011 when Apple first launched iMessage app.

   IMessage is a messaging system monopoly, free of Apple. Users can send/receive an iMessage to iOS devices via Apple's servers instead of sending it through the network as a SMS or MMS. However, if you want to send iMessage from iPhone, the system needs to have accurate information about the phone number being used on the iPhone. So if a user switched from iPhone to Android ( or any operating system other cell ), Apple's servers still assume that people are using iPhone.

   Recently, in a statement, Apple said it has " overcome some of the iMessage server failure causing trouble for some users." At the same time, Apple also revealed that " will soon release an additional fixes in the future."
However, if you are having trouble mentioned above, no need to wait for Apple to release patches. Here is how you can fix the problem immediately and always:

Method 1: Disable iMessage

   An easy way to remedy that problem should disable iMessage account on your iPhone before switching to a different mobile platforms. To disable iMessage , open Settings ( Settings ), select Messages ( Messages ), and turn iMessage switch button from the "ON " ( On ) mode to " Off " ( Off ). Then, try to send a normal text message to someone in your contacts list to make sure that iMessage has been shut down properly.

However, there have been conflicting reports concerning the period to Apple's servers can recognize that an account has been disabled iMessage. Accordingly, there are reports that it took over 45 days to Appler server can recognize the conversion of user equipment.

Method 2: Reinstall the Apple ID password

If you sell or exchange their old iPhone to another device ? If you make one way but not successful, try reinstalling your Apple ID password.

     To do this , go to the Apple homepage and click the link " resetting password ". An important point to note, after resetting your password, you can not log in to your account again. Instead , use the Android or Windows Phone device to send a new text message with the word " STOP " to the number 48 369. Afterwards, you will receive a text message from Apple saying that registration was canceled success iCloud account.

One analyst said the change " will not happen immediately," sending and receiving messages between iPhone and Android devices can last longer than 12 hours. Although, some people have successfully implemented this method but Apple confirmed that they will not actually delete the registration number of these users iMessages.

Method 3: Call to AppleCare

If you have tried one or both of the above methods and still not receive the text message, do not worry, call the customer care center of the Apple ( AppleCare ).

The Apple technicians will manually remove your phone number from Apple's servers.

Sourch( Cnet)

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