Microsoft Wants To Compete With Samsung In The Marketplace SmartWatch

Microsoft Wants To Compete With Samsung In The Marketplace SmartWatch

( Technewonline)  Much recent rumors about Apple's iWatch, Microsoft is reportedly studying the SmartWatch produce their own.

Microsoft is reportedly planning to enter the market the device technology bracelets, with the SmartWatch used to measure heart rate can be integrated with the iPhone , Android phones and Windows phones.

The production equipment platform can bring competitive advantage for Microsoft for companies like Verizon and AT & T, under which revenue from the sale of equipment worn people each year can be up to $ 1 billion as Gibit and Jawbone did - to extract information from the vice president of AT & T Mobility David Garver.

The SmartWatch will look nearly identical to the Samsung Fit Gear, and a color screen, touch, " half the size of a stick of gum " , facing out toward the wrist helps users " view easily notice and privacy over " , according to Forbes.

However, if Gear Fit requires users to manually activate the heartbeat to update manually, Microsoft's SmartWatch is the statement automatically track the user's heart rate continuously throughout the day.

On the day the launched SmartWatch has not been disclosed, but Forbes said that could be in summer 2014. Spokesman for Microsoft declined to comment on the predictions. This is not the first time about the SmartWatch thonng Microsoft. In July 7/2013, The Wall Street Journal has revealed that Microsoft is in talks with an Asian supplier for the supply of 1.5 -inch screen and other components for the device.

Then, also on 7/ 2013 page The Verge reports, the research team of Microsoft Surface tablet is a sample test run SmartWatch improved version of Windows 8, with a focus to integrate with the other devices running Windows.

Meanwhile, Tech Among the news sites, SmartWatch can form the outer shell is aluminum oxynitride - is said to be three times stronger than glass, and detachable wrist strap with as many colors : green, red, yellow, black, white and gray.

   Information is given when the rumors about the Apple iWatch way to collect drips. An application under the Patent AppleInsider was revealed earlier this month said, iWatch features themselves can hug the wrist similar to a personal blood pressure monitors and health monitoring software in collaboration with Nike Fuelband . Another rumor is that the clock face will follow the traditional round shape (similar to the Moto 360 ), wireless charging, and specifically designed for men and women.

It is thought that, iWatch can be launched in September. Measure heart rate function may not be sufficiently attractive to promote the purchase of this equipment, at least until the equipment can make a comment value from the income data.

The data itself is not enough to collect a person wearing the device can pass a test called "Test" return. Mike Lee - who co-founded tracking application nutrition is common MyFitnessPal - said : Tests given hypothetical situations, one to go half-way to a new point realized equipment is left alone at home, and they have to go back to get it, if successful , the device is considered as passed the test.

Most people will go back to get a smartphone, but many people do the same thing for the person wearing the device, even less for devices like heart rate measurement Gear Fit. " The core issue is what you do with the data collected," Lee said, " and how you bring that data back to the user ."

A third party can help companies solve production equipment issues, and project -related SmartWatch fitness areas - health , Microsoft might consider to Caradigm - a joint venture of power Microsoft to General Electric 's health. This is a company on public health , with 50 % of the capital owned by Microsoft. The company is currently working with hospitals and physicians to manage patient health and risk analysis as community reintegration. 

It is unclear whether Microsoft wants Caradigm any role in the future of their SmartWatch or not , or Microsoft to cooperate with a third party to help them make suggestions about exercise regime or the initial diagnosis for users in the future ?

To see the bigger picture, with the heart rate monitor on an ongoing basis, Microsoft will help the person wearing the device may further advance the problem of " users " of health care. This is a trend in which more and more people "break " type of health care with traditional collect data that can help them self-diagnosis, and another thing is debated, it is the user can "own " the biometric data of the individual himself.

Reminder to self diagnose. Today, it is simply a self-referencing Google about your situation and follow a series of links leading to the scary articles about cancer. Today, they can precisely measure their health data and display it on a computer.

For example, an online service called HealthTap possible for users ( registration account ) post an anonymous question short ( 150 word limit ) for a community of 40,000 doctors, and the doctors have can vote for answers by other doctors. Users posting fee could his medical records and other information for this doctor . Ron Gutmann - the founder of the service - said that in future doctors " will have to become a data scientist " to be able to accurately analyze data from multiple sources , such as rhythm heart and information about sleep from a device worn to someone, or nutritional data from applications like RunKeeper or MyFitnessPal . He said : " The doctors will spend less time for trifles and spend more time analyzing the data ."

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