7 simple steps to effectively protect smartphones

7 simple steps to effectively protect smartphones
You're worried that your phone may be "eavesdropping" or personal information over the phone can be accessed "illegal".
In addition to installing antivirus software for your phone (not a true measure popular in some places), users can still vigilant, to protect themselves in many other simple actions.

Here are 7 simple steps to help you effectively protect your smartphone:

1. Settings for the phone lock code 

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   The smartphone nowadays stored personal information including: email, messages, contacts, photos ... cause curiosity for many. Therefore, if you have to bring the phone outside, your advice is using lock code. You can use a 4-digit PIN or a password is really combine numbers and letters and special characters. This key will be "barrier" protects the phone from the "curious" or thieves easy access to your information.

2. Enable "Do not track"

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   Any information you provide on the website will be collected and can be used to display relevant ads. Not Track feature will not require this website to continue collecting user data. Google Chrome Browser for Android and Safari on iOS will allow you to install the "Do not track". Of course, activating this mode can not 100% guarantee that your data will be collected but not least, it also limits the risk of the some part..

3. Blocking your phone number if necessary 

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   When you call a business, that business will be able to collect your phone number, along with the accompanying information, then use this information to make a profit.
If you do not want to install the blocking numbers of business, should use Google Voice to call when call this type of business. After that, you can easily block any calls to that phone number is not in the phonebook.

4. Avoid answer the call  junk  

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   There are many marketing service, telephone sales calls to your number daily. In this case, unfortunately, some of your machines have been sold for the services should make sure, you will also receive many junk calls and messages more advertising in the near future. If you do not plan to prevent in time, you may have to pay additional fees for the messages that you do not want to receive from the aforementioned services. 

According to experts, use Caller ID solution to figure out who is trying to call you. On Android, check out the Current Caller ID, an application that can display caller information on a small window appears next incoming call. Also on iOS, you will have a slightly different approach: TrueCaller settings and screen-a call for applications to the caller identification (application authors confirmed until this point, there is not any on their any way to intervene in the course of the call).

5. Use a recovery application to find equipment stolen or misplaced 

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    You panic when he realized the phone is not in the bag. The last time you see it is located? You've put the phone somewhere? Can you do drop you leave your car or not? .With the dedicated recovery application for Android and iOS platforms, you'll be able to access the device lock password and even discovered the location through GPS devices.

6. Additional information about the computer on your phone 

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   If your device is lost and someone is good looking, they can find you by any way? For this reason, you should provide additional information contact us so people can contact you. For example, you do not need to provide their full name or last name that just, along with phone numbers of your friends, your loved ones can contact you to find the missing device.

7. Always careful to preserve equipment 

However, despite all efforts to block access to applications, phone numbers, and other information, you still face the risk of someone stealing / snatching his phone. Therefore, as a precaution, always hold the camera firmly, take the machine in places difficult to access (bag front clothes, bag small  inside deep handbags...), avoid flaunting your phone in place public.

Hopefully, the above tips can help you protect your phone from unwanted attacks.

Wish you success!

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